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Joyous Spring at EMU

Organized this year with the main sponsorship of Noyanlar Group of Companies, communication sponsorship of TRNC Telsim Vodafone and media sponsorship of NRG Group, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) 26th Spring Festival began on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 05:30 p.m. with a parade from the Famagusta Development Center (MAGEM) to the campus. EMU Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren, Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu and Prof. Dr. Salih Katırcıoğlu attended the parade along with many students. The parade ended at the entrance of the festival area where the Vice Rectors officially inaugurated the Spring Festival with a ribbon cutting session. In the meantime, EMU Search and Rescue Club (EMU-SAR) performed at the festival area.

“Take a Break”

Delivering a speech in the opening ceremony of the Spring Festival which is taking place with “Take a Break. Enjoy your Success” theme this year, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu addressed the students by saying; “Now, it is time to rest and take a break. I wish you all fun. Enjoy it”. Taking the floor following Prof. Dr. Zorlu’s speech, Vice Rector for Promotion and Institutional Communication Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren also reached out to all students, stressing that EMU has reached these days with a 45-year experience. Prof. Dr. Öztüren wished all students joyful time.

EMU Got Swept Away with a Magnificent Concert by Sefo

Within the first day program of the EMU 26th Spring Festival, Sefo, one of the most popular musicians of Turkey, took the stage at EMU Yasin Düşüner Stadium at 10:00 p.m., performing his beloved songs such as “Isabelle”, “Bilmem Mi?” and “Bonita”. Students attending the concert had great time. Moreover, prior to Sefo concert, local rap artists Fırat and One Blood from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) also delivered performances. At the end of the concerts, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Öztüren and Prof. Dr. Zorlu presented a silver plate to Sefo.

Sports Events were held

In addition to the concerts, various sports events also took place within the scope of EMU 26th Spring Festival program. “Five a Side”, “Grass Volleyball”, “Grass Tennis”, “Amateur Athletics”  and “Backgammon Tournament” were held at 03:00 p.m. at the EMU Yasin Düşüner Stadium. Within the scope of the festival, international student societies and student clubs set their booths alongside food-beverage booths. EMU Spring Festival will continue with a rich program until 18 May, 2024.