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yearbook 2015-16 | https://arch.emu.edu.tr/Documents/design-portfolios/yearbook 2015-16.pdf
Photography by Aminreza Iranmanesh, Aref Arfaei and Kamiar Yazdani Contact Address No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the prior

SEBNEM ONAL HOSKARA | https://urdc.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Board CVs/SEBNEM ONAL HOSKARA.pdf
Designing with the Environment - Postgraduate Course in the Spring Semester 1997-98; ARCH for Sustainable Architecture, Non-technical Elective Course in the Fall Semester 1997-98

arafta yaşam | https://artcollection.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Exhibitions Catalogs/arafta yaşam.pdf
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in case of brief quotations with references.Küratör

26May2017 | https://pr.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Bulletin/2017/26May2017.pdf
Management at Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta / North Cyprus On behalf of Eastern Mediterranean University Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Rector Supervisor Prof. Dr. Cem

EPS_Student_Handbook-2022-2023- | https://fleps.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Student_handbook/2022-2023/EPS_Student_Handbook-2022-2023-.pdf
Our FL Division also offers Turkish courses for students coming from foreign countries from 2016-2017 Academic Year, Turkish support courses are also offered for students who

ITEC498 RESOURCES | https://staff.emu.edu.tr/cemyagli/en/itec498resources
Course Text Book GUide to Cloud Computing, Principles and Practice  Download Chapter 01 - Introduction To Cloud Computing (CC HOT SPOTS FOR CHAPTER 1: Why CC, What is CC, Types of CC

Senate No_05-241-2-Ek2 - Date_08-06-2005 Interior Architecture | https://ucc.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Old Course Proposals/Senate Decisions/SENATE-241 (08-06-2005)/Senate No_05-241-2-Ek2 - Date_08-06-2005 Interior Architecture.pdf
4. X Course code modification Total number of courses with course code modification: 10 5. X Course title revision Total number of courses with course title

EK-2 | https://ucc.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Old Course Proposals/Senate Decisions/SENATE-291 (16-07-2008)/EK-2.pdf
4. X Course code modification Total number of courses with course code modification: 5 5. X Course title revision Total number of courses with

Senate No_05-241-2-Ek1 - Date_08-06-2005 Architecture | https://ucc.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Old Course Proposals/Senate Decisions/SENATE-241 (08-06-2005)/Senate No_05-241-2-Ek1 - Date_08-06-2005 Architecture.pdf
4. X Course code modification Total number of courses with course code modification: 8 5. X Course title revision Total number of courses with course title

EPS_Teacher_Handbook-2022-2023-21.11.2022 | https://fleps.emu.edu.tr/Documents/Student_handbook/2022-2023/EPS_Teacher_Handbook-2022-2023-21.11.2022.pdf
construction, aims to offer Turkish courses for non-Turkish students who will receive Turkish-medium education to help them understand and follow their courses

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