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Student Societies & Clubs

The importance of social and cultural activities in preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills cannot be questioned. Social/cultural activities not only help students to identify themselves with the university, but also assist students to develop themselves in a desired field and also improve skills such as organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication. With the aim of encouraging students to value their leisure time, expand their areas of interest, relax and have fun together, participate in fine arts activities and attend cultural and arts-related events, an array of student clubs operate within the university.


Every student in the university may join the clubs and/or they can form a club according to their interests. In this way, students can improve their social, cultural and occupational skills, gain the skill of expressing themselves more efficiently, take part in club organizations, either theirs or other clubs’, and attend the club activities.

The Social and Cultural Activity Directorate organizes activities during the year to reinforce students’ social and cultural needs. These activities also serve as an interactive bridge between the local community and the university.

AIESEC Eastern Mediterranean

Anime Club

Astronomy and Space Sciences Club

Atatürk Ideology Club

Flag Football Club

Nutrition and Dietetics Club

Beşiktaş Fan Club

Environment and National Sciences Club

Children’s Rights Club

Mountaineering and Nature Sports Club

Dance Community

EMU Search and Rescue Club

EMU Scientific Research Community

EMU Dent Club

Industrial Engineering Club

Fantastic Role Play Club

Fenerbahçe Fan Club

Idea and Debate Club

Photography Club

EMU Green Crescent Student Club

Genetics Club

Entrepreneurship Club

Fine Arts Club

Folk Dance Community

Animal Welfare Club

Law Club


Red Crescent Student Club

Personal Data Protection Club

Intercultural Communication and Translation Club

Mathematics Club

Media and Communication Club

Music Club

Special Education Club

Psychology Students Club

Psychological Counseling and Guidance Club

Chess Club

Design Club

EMU Theatre Community

IT Club

Tourism Club

ultrAslan UNI EMU

International Relations Club

EMU International Performing Arts Club

Unicorn LGBTQ+ Club

Software and AI Development Club

Yoga Club

Swimming Club


Social and Cultural Activities Directorate,

Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, 99628, North Cyprus
Mersin 10, Turkey

Tel: +90 392 630 2678 / +90 392 630 1612 / +90 392 630 4032