General Information
During the four-year undergraduate program, along with the basic courses on computer software, hardware and computer networks, Computer Engineering Program offers various elective courses on mathematics, physics, English, economics, business and social sciences to provide the students with an enriched learning experience. Regularly updated educational program has been designed in accordance with international standards.

The main aim of the program is to introduce the students with the most up-to-date developments in the area of the computer engineering and, at the same time, to enhance their life-long learning skills. The Program aims to bring up qualified and well-educated computer engineers who possess in-depth knowledge in computer systems, hardware and software, and who are able to put their theoretical knowledge into practice by producing new designs. The department graduates are perfectly equipped to deal with rapidly changing environment due to their solid education and strong background in the underlying principles of the technology, as well as hands on experience they get through laboratory work.
Career Opportunities
Students successfully graduating from the Computer Engineering undergraduate program receive the title of the ‘Computer Engineer’. There is a big demand for the graduates of the Computer Engineering program, both locally and internationally. Many of our graduates have been employed in large, technology oriented international companies with lucrative salaries. Also, many of our graduates choose to continue their education to obtain Master’s and Ph.D. degrees, both at EMU and abroad. After finishing their postgraduate studies, some of our graduates have been employed at reputable universities in the UK and the USA.
Tel: +90 392 630 1484
Fax: +90 392 365 0711
E-mail: cmpe.info@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://cmpe.emu.edu.tr