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Articles Published in Journals or as Chapters in Books |
It has been reprinted as, "How to Tax Mineral Extraction," pp.279-285 in Taxation in Developing Countries, editors Bird, R. and Oldman, O., Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins

theoretical or applied mathematics | Announcements | Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus
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Eastern Mediterranean University Open Journal Systems (OJS) |
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EMU Library |
Unauthorized use or access to the library's licensed electronic resources may result in suspension of library privileges or further legal action Below is a list of typical

Ezgi Ören | Ören.pdf
“Distopya, Risk, Gözetim Ve Kent Güvenliği Üzerine Bir Bakış” başlıklı bildiriniz 18-19 Eylül 2017 tarihleri arasında KKTC Gazimağusa’da düzenlenecek olan Uluslararası Kentsel

Deweynew |
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Student Dormitories Rules and Principles |
prevent the student from registering to the dormitory, or dismiss him from the dormitory whose conducts are found to be inappropriate and/or are in a position of infraction of the

Passenger Rules |
It is forbidden to speak loudly or with a disturbing tone of voice on the bus as well as engaging in action disturbing other passengers and/or the bus driver

What is Management Engineering |
operation and emergency room location or usage a hospital, planning complex distribution schemes for materials or products, and shortening lines (or queues) at a bank, hospital, etc

Admission Requirements |
1- Applicants with BS degree or equivalent from Software Engineering, or other engineering fields, science-related fields, or computer or software related fields may apply for