The Management Engineering program is designed with the aim of providing an interdisciplinary foundation to its graduates to integrating complex technical understanding with high-level management skills by gaining depth in business administration principles and applications while being able to use the complex technical knowledge with a holistic view and capability of integrating all kind of relevant information in making decisions. With their complex knowledge of management and engineering, graduates of this program are prepared to design and provide solutions for manufacturing and service organizations, take leadership roles in their place of work, or pursuing research work at graduate level.
General Information
The first two years of the undergraduate curriculum of the Management Engineering undergraduate program are dedicated to foundation courses in mathematics and basic sciences (freshman calculus, physics, and chemistry), as well as English and Introduction to Management Engineering and Introduction to Business courses. Courses offered during the remaining two years of the program focus on engineering modeling, management and business fields focusing on analytical thinking, observation and design skills.

The Management Engineering Program focuses on technical subjects as well as providing in-depth information on management principles. Program graduates are equipped with complex management and engineering solutions on product development, production and service presentation. The program has been designed to assure quality and foster systematic pursuit of improvement in the quality of education to graduate management engineers with abilities to analyze and interpret data, design and conduct experiments, apply knowledge to solve engineering problems in a global, economic, environmental, societal context with focus on social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability in a life-long learning capacity.
Three PC Labs and 120 computers, all connected to the internet, are at students’ own disposal. Simulation and Optimization Lab is for research purposes for all graduate and senior undergraduate students. Multi-Media Lab includes equipment related to the design of multi-media documents for audio-visual presentations. Work Study and Ergonomics Labs provide facilities to perform methods analysis and time study. Human physiology and dexterity, fatigue, workplace comfort-related tests are also conducted. There are 20 PCs and a plotter for technical drawing. The Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab has SCORA ER 14 Robot, a part of an assembly and quality control station.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Management Engineering Program are involved in the design, development and management of integrated and complex processes involving information, technology, humans, materials and capital. Program graduates may pursue employment opportunities in a wide range of areas ranging from production to telecommunication, banking, health, transportation or energy.
Tel: +90 392 630 1318
Fax: +90 392 365 2988
E-mail: iedept@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://ie.emu.edu.tr/