Frequently Asked Questions
How many faculties, schools, associate, undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral programs are there in EMU?
There are total of 144 associate and undergraduate programs and, 110 post graduate and doctoral programs in 12 Faculties and 3 Schools in EMU.
What are the associate degree and undergraduate programs?
What is Double Major program? Who can apply for it?
Double Major means students enrolled in an undergraduate program (first major) take all the courses of another department/program at their university, successfully complete both programs within the same time frame, and have a bachelor's degree in a second branch.
What are the double major programs?
What is Minor program?
Minor programs allow students who have registered for an undergraduate study program (first major) to receive a certificate in a minor program after having taken and successfully completed some courses from another department/program at the same time.
Can I choose an English-medium programs and later switch to Turkish?
In order to be able to transfer within the institution, you must have studied in that department for at least 1 semester. Afterwards, you can apply to change your department through the portal.
What are the postgraduate programs?
What are distance education procedures in EMU?
There are three post-graduate programs in EMU that offer distance education; e-Banking and Finance Master’s Program (with thesis), e-Banking and Finance Master’s Program (without thesis) and e-Hotel Management Master’s Program. Detailed information on EMU’s distance education programs can be accessed at links provided below.
What are the Program Fees?
Undergraduate and Associate
Tuition fees will vary depending on your scholarship or discount status and the program you will be placed in. You can calculate your tuition fee via the link provided below.
Tuition Fee Table provides information on the different amount of tuition fees to be paid during your study at the university. In order to calculate the amount of money that you must pay for a semester, the number of courses to be taken in that semester (and/or thesis) is multiplied by the fee per course/thesis. Then, the Student Services Fund Fee determined for that semester is added to the total.
Are there any scholarship(s) awarded to students of EMU?
Yes, there are! All international students at Undergraduate and Masters Programs are considered to have 50% scholarship (over tuition fee) upon admission for all faculties except Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Medicine. For general information about EMU scholarships opportunities kindly visit the link below.
Are there any scholarships granted during Ph.D. studies? How can I benefit from such scholarships?
In our doctoral programs, newly registered students have the chance of getting a 100% and 50% scholarship opportunity for their tuition fees. For more information about Ph.D. scholarships opportunities kindly visit the link below.
Accreditations, Recognitions, Rankings, Memberships
Are EMU programs internationally recognized?
All programs of EMU are accredited by YODAK (local higher education council in North Cyprus) and YOK (Higher Education Council of Turkey). Whilst following national standards and paying special attention to quality in education, EMU also sees international accreditation as a foundation for its development. Most of the programs at EMU are further accredited by independent organizations like ABET, ASIIN, EDEXCEL and TEDQUAL.
EMU is a full member of the International Association of Universities, the European University Association, Community of Mediterranean Universities and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World. Giving special importance to international recognition, EMU has received the accreditation of various prominent international accrediting bodies. EMU is only the university in Cyprus awarded the prestigious ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) in the field of engineering.
Similarly, EMU Architecture Faculty holds the MİAK accreditation. Business and Economics Faculty, Tourism Faculty and School of Computing and Technology have been granted the accreditation of FIBAA. Interior Architecture program of the Faculty of Architecture and English Language Teaching (ELT) program of the Faculty of Education are both accredited by AQAS. Additionally, EMU School of Tourism and Hospitality Management gained the accreditation of TEDQUAL and the Computer Technologies and Information Systems offered by School of Computing and Technology (SCT) successfully passed ASIIN accreditation process. EMU Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School has successfully obtained EDEXCEL accreditation. Last but not the least, our University’s Business and Economics Faculty is a full member of AACSB along with only three universities in Turkey. Check our “ABOUT EMU” page for more information.
Which EMU programs are accredited?
What is EMU’s ranking among the World universities?
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) was ranked in 1,148th place in 7th Annual U.S. News & World Report World’s Best Universities Rankings 2021.
THE: Times Higher Education
The Times Higher Education world university rankings provide the distinctive list of world’s best universities. EMU is ranked in 800-1000 band globally and is ranked as 251-300 among the Best Young Universities in the World that have started educational activities within the last 50 years.
WEBOMETRICS: Ranking Web of Universities
Eastern Mediterranean University was ranked within the best 5% universities among 25,000 world universities. The university was also placed within the first 7% of 6,000 European Universities which were included in the rankings.
URAP: University Ranking by Academic Performance
In 2015 URAP evaluations, EMU took its well-deserved place within the best 2,000 universities of the world.
Eduniversal: Masters Ranking
Eduniversal ranked EMU Master of Business Administration, Communication and Media Studies, Banking and Finance, and Marketing programs within the best 200 Postgraduate Programs for the third consecutive time in the 2015-2016 Academic Year.
QS: World University Rankings
Are there any Erasmus/exchange programs in EMU?
Erasmus exchange program allows students of higher education institutions to attend another higher education institution located in a European Union member country for a duration of one or two semesters during an academic year.
Eastern Mediterranean University offers various student exchange programs to its undergraduate students. Students can attend to another university, which is among the universities that EMU is in collaboration with, for one or two academic semesters. EMU students who study at a different university within the scope of the exchange programs are able to transfer their credits to EMU which they received during their time in the university abroad. Students will continue to make payments to our university during their exchange program process because of the collaboration agreement EMU has with the exchange program university.
Having the opportunity of studying abroad has many benefits in terms of academic life. Students can study in various universities located in Canada, USA and Europe within the scope of the collaborations EMU has with other higher education institutions. For more information, please visit webpage or contact via e-mail.
How to Apply
How can I apply?
The admission process in Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) is easy, simple, straightforward, and organized to be followed, giving every procedure for each section Online Application & Registration. EMU admits freshmen, graduates and transfer students into various programs twice a year (Fall and Spring) with different admission requirements respectively.
Undergraduates Online Applications
Admission Requirements to Undergraduates
Applications to the undergraduate programs are accepted twice a year. The applicant must submit a certified copy of High School Certificate or Intermediate Certificate or the equivalent, demonstrating that s/he has satisfactorily graduated from high school, and must arrange for other relevant certified documents, such as transcripts or detailed mark sheets, to be submitted to EMU.
For general information about admission requirements kindly visit the link below:
Kindly visit the link below for country-based admission criteria:
Postgraduates Online Applications
Applications to the graduate programs at EMU can be made throughout the year, until one month prior to the beginning of each semester. Applicants are advised to make their applications by the end of December or August for Spring and Fall semesters, respectively. Application deadlines are announced on the web site of the Institute and that of the Registrar's Office. Prospective applicants are required to apply online.
Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs
For more information, please visit the link below.
How can I be exempt from Preparatory School?
Students who are enrolled in programs at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) but do not have a valid English proficiency certificate are required to take the English Preparatory School (IHO) Proficiency Exam and meet the success requirements specified by the program/department that they are enrolled in.
For students holding any valid language (English) proficiency certificate, the exemption criteria values stipulated by the Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School and the equivalent English Preparatory School success conditions are provided in the link below:
Exemption criteria for undergraduates Programs:
Exemption criteria for Postgraduates Programs:
How can I transfer from one department to another department within the university (internal lateral transfer)? Who can apply for this kind of transfer?
Applications for horizontal transfers within the university are submitted to the Registrar's Office within the specified dates. School or Faculty Boards are the administrative organs evaluating and finalizing the applications.
Students studying at four-year undergraduate programs may apply for transfers to other four-year undergraduate programs or two-year associate programs. Students studying at two-year associate programs may apply for transfers to other two-year associate programs.
How can I transfer from another university to EMU (lateral transfer)? Who can apply for this kind of transfer?
Conditions sought for horizontal transfers are as follows:
- Not being expelled from a university,
- Holding a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.29 out of 4.00 or 60 out of 100,
- Not having any re-taken courses from former semesters,
- Applications for transfers are submitted for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th academic semesters.
Applications of candidates whose conditions are suitable for the conditions specified above are finalized by the Faculty Board with a consideration of the views of the relevant department's board and the quotas specified by the departments.
What are the required documents for applications of transferring to EMU from another university?
- Application form (to be obtained from the Registrar's Office or our website.)
- High school diploma photocopy
- Original transcript
- Course content
- One photo
- A bank receipt confirming the payment of the application fee.
How Can I Register
* Apply to registrar office.
How can I register after I receive acceptance from the university?
- If you are in campus you can apply to registrar office face to face.
- We have initiated an online registration system in order to ease the registration procedures of our new students. You can complete your online registration procedures by following the below-mentioned steps:
- Sign in your student portal ( by using your credentials provided below:
Student Number: ……
Password: ID/Passport number (It is the number you have entered to the system during your application process.) - You must approve the program you have been accepted in while you log in to your Student Portal. If you have received acceptances for more than one program, select the one you would like to register and approve.
- You must pay tuition fee in order to complete your registration procedures.
- Sign in your student portal ( by using your credentials provided below:
- Once you complete your payment, you will be a registered student at our university. You can request for a student certificate from your student portal ( All the procedures related to your study at EMU (Course Registration, English Proficiency Exam Application, Communication with your course registration advisor etc.) can be complete through your student portal.
- Contact the nearest Turkish Consulate to arrange necessary transit visa.
How can I pay my tuition fee?
- You can make your payment either with a credit card through “Semester Fee-Debts-Online Payment” link available under “Financial” section in your Student Portal or, you can make a Bank Transfer. Bank account numbers are available in Student Portal. Uploading the payment receipt to “Financial” / “Semester Fee Debts-Online Payment” section in your student portal for the payments that are made in the format of bank transfer will help you during your registration process.
- You must state you Name, Surname and Student Number during all the payment procedures you make.
How I get a password for my portal?
Passwords for newly registered students are automatically created.
Password: ID/Passport number (It is the number you have entered to the system during your application process.)
What are the important dates to know and follow in EMU?
The academic calendar is a timetable organized to keep track of the important days, weeks and events, like registration period, to class commencing period, to English placement date (for new students), to last day for add/drop, to public holidays, to examination schedules, they are necessary for students’ awareness in order to keep to time and fall behind time during the semester. Yearly arrangement can be seen at Academic Calendar
Are there orientation programs for new students?
Eastern Mediterranean University (a safe multicultural environment), offers orientation programs to its new students knowing full well first impressions are important since they establish the basis for everything that follows. Without orientation, a new student sometimes feels uncomfortable in his/her new environment and takes longer to reach his/her full potential.
The personal-Social Integration of our new students is a main goal to reach during the orientation days. This will involve providing students with information about the institution’s values, behavioral norms, support services, and better acquaintance with other new students, current students, faculty, and staff. Therefore, events, seminars and campus tours are organized to this end.
How Can I Travel to EMU?
Do I require a visa to enter North Cyprus?
Depending on your country, you may require a visa to enter any Turkish Territory (North Cyprus Inclusive), as stipulated by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Therefore, it is advisable to go through their website (link provided), and find out if your country is included for a visa or not. Also, check online for the location of the Turkish Embassy in your country to be able to visit them for first-hand information.
What is the Traveling Procedures?
Please visit the link below for the latest update about Travelling Procedures within the Scope of COVID-19 Measures
How should I proceed with my residency permit?
For more information kindly check the link below,
Will I get Health Insurance?
With the health insurance system, students’ health-related problems have been secured by the health insurance. EMU successfully produces prompt solutions for any health- related problem that our students may encounter. Our students were introduced with the new identity cards during the last academic year. With their new format containing health insurance possession chip, the new student ID cards have been admired by our students.
For more information you can contact with student services office.
Accommodation Options
What kind of accommodation(s) is/are available in EMU and Famagusta?
We believe that staying in a dormitory where all types of technological, cultural and sportive facilities are offered under campus safety, will be a best start for your academic life. This will also shorten your adaptation period to the university. Since your personal needs, like cleaning, nutrition, transportation and security will be solved in the best and fastest way, you will be free to focus on your lessons.
For detailed information and fees please visit
Summer School
Do you offer The International Summer School?
Affirmatively we do! Every year, EMU International Summer School runs a full range of courses and extra afternoon clubs to improve participants’ language skills. Besides, a wide range of cultural, artistic and sports activities and trips are also offered throughout day and night. The courses are offered in the university’s extensively large and amazing campus. The main campus is located 5 minutes driving distance from the university’s private recreational complex EMU Beach Club, which is located on the sea side with a wonderful view of the pure Mediterranean Sea. Eastern Mediterranean University is a scientific, cultural and educational center of Northern Cyprus which is internationally recognized and has a worthy place in the world’s high-quality universities. Summer School Website
Important Offices
What are the Important Offices After Arriving to EMU?
Registrar’s Office
Student Services Office
Student Affairs Coordinator
Health Center
Psychological Counseling, Guidance & Research Center (PDRAM)
International Promotion Office
For more information you can check the link below:
How can I Reach these Offices?
You may benefit from our interactive campus map to get information about the location of the faculties, schools, departments, classrooms, conference halls, dormitories, cafeterias, ATMs, and all other university-related units.
Kindly visit the link below.