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Applied Earthquake Awareness Training Held within the Collaborations of EMU Community Involvement Center and Research and Rescue Club

Applied Earthquake Awareness Training Held within the Collaborations of EMU Community Involvement Center and Research and Rescue Club

On the occasion of earthquake week, the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Community Involvement Center and, Search and Rescue Club (EMU-SAR) operating under the Social and Cultural Activities Directorate co-organized an Applied Earthquake Awareness Training on Wednesday, 6 March 2024. The event hosted by Faculty of Tourism received great interest from tourism, civil aviation, culinary arts students as well as other students from various faculties. 

Delivering the opening speech of the event, the Chairperson of the Community Involvement Center Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazenin Ruso Kandemir thanked everyone attending the event, wishing the event to be beneficial for all.

The event commenced with an introductory presentation by EMU-SAR instructor Muhammed Kağan Gür. By providing training with his team and through practical exercises and visual aids, Gür contributed to the creation of disaster awareness among students. In the presentation, he focused on what should and should not be done before, during, and after an earthquake, emphasizing the importance of earthquake preparedness. Gür also provided explanations about what should be included in an earthquake survival kit. Highlighting the significance of the ‘drop, cover, and hold on’ approach, Gür emphasized the importance of avoiding places like under tables, beams, elevators, stairs, and balconies during an earthquake, and underscored the importance of dropping, covering, and holding on to places like beside a table to take advantage of the life-saving triangle of survival. Furthermore, Gür emphasized the importance of remaining calm during and after an earthquake, stating that it can protect individuals from many dangers

During the earthquake drill held within the scope of the event, students were evacuated by EMU-SAR and taken to Faculty of Tourism emergency state meeting area. At the end of the event, Gür and his team were presented certificated of appreciation by Faculty of Tourism’s Dean Assist. Prof. Dr. İlkay Yorgancı.