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Champion Angels Amphitheater Opened at EMU Faculty of Health Sciences with a Ceremony

Champion Angels Amphitheater Opened at EMU Faculty of Health Sciences with a Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the Champion Angels Amphitheater at the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Health Sciences took place on Friday, 26 May, 2023, at 09:30 a.m.. Present at the ceremony were Şifa Çolakoğlu, CTP Gazimağusa Member of the Parliament, Dr. Erdal Özcenk, President of the EMU Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Rector of EMU, Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, Mayor of Famagusta, Ruşen Karakaya, President of the Champion Angels Association, association members, faculty deans, academicians, and students.

Mehtap Malkoç

"We Will Keep the Memory of Our Champions Alive with Projects of Hope"

In her opening speech at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Mehtap Malkoç, Dean of the EMU Faculty of Health Sciences, started by reciting the poem "Human Human" by Poet Muhyiddin Abdal and said, "On February 6th, we lost our children, siblings, parents, and young people with hopes and dreams for the future, and we have also lost our joy of life since that day." Prof. Dr. Malkoç completed her words by saying, "Our sole purpose will be to keep their memory alive with projects of hope. Today, by naming this amphitheater after our children, our champions, we aim to ensure that their memory will always live on. We will never forget you. Our shared cause Isias will continue until justice is served."

Ruşen Karakaya

"Champions Never Die"

Ruşen Karakaya, President of the Champion Angels Association, spoke at the ceremony and said, "As an association and families, we are here now to seek justice, keep the memory of our angels alive through hopeful projects, and touch the lives of other children. Knowing that the name of our angels will live on forever in a center of knowledge and science like EMU, is important to us. We have lost our children, teachers, and parents due to ignorance and greed. But with their memory, thousands of young people will study and put an end to this ignorance. No more children, no more people will die due to this cause. We thank the officials of EMU and the Faculty of Health Sciences for their thoughtful consideration. Isias is our shared cause. Champions never die,"

Aykut Hocanın

"Isias is Our Shared Cause"

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanin, Rector of EMU, stated that EMU has been making every effort to establish justice since the very beginning. Prof. Dr. Hocanin stated that EMU's Faculty of Engineering will evaluate and report on technical aspects, and the teams formed by EMU graduates will work to ensure justice and impose the heaviest sentences on those who acted irresponsibly and caused the loss of our children's lives. Prof. Dr. Hocanin emphasized that the names of the Champion Angels will always be preserved at EMU and concluded his words by saying, "Isias is our shared cause. EMU will always be its follower."

Erdal Özcenk

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Erdal Özcenk, President of the EMU Board of Trustees, stated that this fire has burned the entire country and from now on, the best thing to do is to keep their memories alive, preserve their names, and create new opportunities for young people through them. Dr. Özcenk emphasized that the Champion Angels Association has accomplished many great things in a short period of time. Dr. Erdal Özcenk also stated that many activities have been carried out at EMU to keep the memory of the Champion Angels alive, and the "Champion Angels Amphitheater" is a valuable step taken to preserve their names and memories. Dr. Özcenk concluded his words by saying, "From today onwards, our students will keep the memories and names of our late athletes alive by attending classes and various activities in the Champion Angels Amphitheater."

Charity Bazaar Organized

Following the ceremony, a charity bazaar was organized in the garden of the EMU Faculty of Health Sciences at 12:00. The bazaar attracted great interest from the members of EMU and the public. The proceeds from the bazaar have been donated to the Champion Angels Association."