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Choral Concert Took Place at EMU

Choral Concert Took Place at EMU

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Education organized a Choral Concert at Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Centre at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, the 24th of March 2017. EMU Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education Department, Music Teaching Program Choir, EMU Continuing Education Centre (EMU-CEC) ‘Ada Işığı Children’s Choir’ and Cyprus Polyphonic Choirs Association, and Othello Choir performed at the event.

Speaking at the opening of the concert that drew a large attendance, EMU Education Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ülker Vancı Osam drew attention to the fact that the importance given to choir music is constantly on the rise stating that she is happy about the attention EMU has been paying to choirs in recent years.  At the end of the concert, the piece “I’m the Earth” was performed by three choruses and received grand applause. The choirs were conducted by Erkan Dağlı and Rana Uluçay, while Deniz Amcazade featured on piano. The event was also attended by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, CTP Famagusta Members of Parliament Teberrüken Uluçay and Erkut Şahali.