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Dyslexia Awareness Event From EMU Psychology Club

Dyslexia Awareness Event From EMU Psychology Club

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Psychology Students Club operating under the EMU Social and Cultural Activities Directorate organized a conference on dyslexia awareness in parallel with many other awareness events being organized all around the world. In the said conference, EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty, Psychology Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. İlhan Raman delivered a presentation titled “Celebrating Neurodiversity: Dyslexia”.

Delivered both in English and Turkish, the conference that opened its doors to everyone was held at the Central Lecture Halls. During the event attended by many, Prof. Dr. Raman aimed to celebrate dyslexia within the framework of neurodiversity by touching on the myths, misunderstandings and general lack of information on dyslexia which is defined as a specific learning disability. Noting her contentedness on contributing the event organized by Psychology Club students, Prof. Dr. Raman stated that the conference focused on cognitive skills and reading patterns that are assumed to be used during typical reading development compared to dyslexia. Being a Cognitive Psychologist who takes interest in the application of theoretical principles in special education needs, Prof. Dr. Raman expressed that, starting with multidisciplinary research, the Turkish psychology world has a long way to understand what dyslexia is and to create awareness on the condition.

Dyslexia Awareness Event From EMU Psychology Club

Meliha Önder, a retired primary school teacher who has worked in the education sector for 38 years, attended the event as a guest and shared her experiences on literacy acquisition and academic success. Önder emphasized that education starts with love which forms the basis of self-confidence and that success is a result of self-confidence.