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EMU Academic Personnel Member Prof. Dr. Hasan Kömürcügil Attends in Doctoral Jury in Aalborg University, Denmark as an External Examiner

EMU Academic Personnel Member Prof. Dr. Hasan Kömürcügil Attends in Doctoral Jury in Aalborg University, Denmark as an External Examiner

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Engineering, Computer Engineering Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hasan Kömürcügil successfully represented EMU in Denmark, attending in a PhD jury as an invited external examiner in Aalborg University.


Along with Prof. Dr. Kömürcügil, Prof. Dr. Zhe Chen from China, Prof. Dr. Antonio Cardoso from Portugal, Prof. Dr. Yanbo Wang from China and Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary from India were in the evaluation committee. The PhD evaluation committee members conducted an online analysis on the doctoral thesis titled “The Operation, Stability Analysis and Active Damping of Multi-Port Converter-Based DC Traction Power Systems”, three weeks prior the actual doctoral thesis jury. Following the online analysis, jury members have prepared a report documenting whether the said thesis is sufficient for a doctoral degree and presented it to the authorities of Aalborg University. Aalborg University is one of the top universities in Europe in the field of power electronics. Studies at this university generally focus on electricity generation using wind turbines, solar energy, and fuel cells. Additionally, the university in question hosts leading scientists in smart grids and energy storage.


Prof. Dr. Kömürcügil also delivered a presentation titled “Sliding Mode Control and Its Applications in Power Converters” for the academic personnel members of Faculty of Energy at Aalborg University, detailing both the advantages of the Sliding Mode Control method and introducing the applications of this method in different power converters as featured in the book titled “Advanced Control of Power Converters: Techniques and Matlab/Simulink Implementation”, published by IEEE Press-Wiley in 2023. Information regarding the said presentation is accessible at link.