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EMU Academic Personnel Union (EMU-SEN) Grants Full Scholarships for Two EMU Students

EMU Academic Personnel Union (EMU-SEN) Grants Full Scholarships for Two EMU Students

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Academic Personnel Union (EMU-SEN) supported EMU’s new scholarship system which was launched on the 23rd of July, 2020. “EMU-SEN Student Scholarship” agreement was signed between EMU and EMU-SEN on the 10th of September, 2020 – Thursday at 11:00 at EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın’s office.  The signing sessions was attended by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu, EMU-SEN Chair Ulaş Gökçe, EMU-SEN General Secretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamit Caner, EMU-SEN Personal Rights Secretary Ali Katırcıoğlu and EMU-SEN Board member Dr. Berfu Çerçi Öngün. EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and EMU-SEN Chair Ulaş Gökçe signed the agreement on behalf of the signing parties.

“I Sincerely Thank Our University’s Academic Staff Members”

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın made a speech during the signing session: “I am sincerely glad that the authorities of our university’s Academic Personnel Union are paying a visit with the intention of providing financial support for two EMU students who are in need. Today, we are gathered to sign the protocol between two parties. I would like to express my gratitude for our university’s academic staff members who contributed to the support of our students. As it is known, the contributions and supports made towards the scholarship system are acts that make us happy through the challenging period of financial problems, concerns and other worries that we are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic process. Our university will overcome this difficult period by pulling together with our society”.

By emphasizing the fact on unions supporting the university with their personnel, academic staff members and as well as the volunteers starting from March which was the beginning of the pandemic period, Prof. Dr. Hocanın added that; “Seeing the spirit of unity and cooperation made us happy back in March. I can say that this was the reason that inspired me to create the scholarship system. Business people, companies, individuals and donators from the society made significant contributions to our cause. Today, I would like to thank our academic personnel union and its authorities for providing this scholarship”.

“EMU-SEN Plays a Part in Every Right Step Taken in EMU”

EMU-SEN Chair Ulaş Gökçe also made a speech and included: “I would like to thank the Rector’s Office for starting such a meaningful project like this. You took a very important step in many significant aspects. You stepped between the university and the society and created a serious bond between the two parties. A project like the scholarship system project is a first in our university. Although scholarships has been granted from various institutions, especially from abroad, the society was generally put beneath the radar. Remembering the society, bonding and connecting with people is very important. Therefore, EMU has achieved a huge success. Without a doubt, EMU-SEN is willing to participate in every rightful act of EMU. That is why we, as EMU-SEN, wanted to be a part of this project. I would like to thank you for giving us the chance to participate in this scholarship system project. Two EMU students who are in need and also have the desire to study will receive a 4-year scholarship from EMU-SEN. The resources of our union are resources created by the contributions of you and all the individuals present here. Therefore, we all contribute the two students who are to receive the scholarships. EMU-SEN will support projects of Rector’s Office that are towards all societies and in favor of university’s improvement. Thus, we wish the continuation of two parties’ collaborations”.