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EMU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer Thankes Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and His Team

EMU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer Thankes Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and His Team

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer got together with Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and his team on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 at 10:30. In the meeting, Prof. Dr. Tümer thanked Prof. Dr. Hocanın, Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktuğlu, Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu and Prof. Dr. Serhan Şensoy for their services to the EMU.

Mustafa Tümer

“I Extend My Thanks to Prof. Dr. Hocanın and His Team”

Delivering a speech during the meeting, EMU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Tümer stated that Prof. Dr. Hocanın and his team took on a huge task in a difficult time and added that during the service of Prof. Dr. Hocanın, first the pandemic process and then the economic fluctuations that developed in the world due to the conjuncture directly affected EMU, which is an international university. Expressing that he is in office for a short period of time, Prof. Dr. Tümer noted that they will complete the transition period in a smooth and healthy way. Saying that all members of EMU is a family, Prof. Dr. Tümer stated that Prof. Dr. Hocanın and his team still continues to root for the EMU family during this transition period. Expressing that crises may occur in institutions from time to time, Prof. Dr. Tümer emphasized that EMU will overcome these problems with its strong staff and underlined that they will always embrace EMU.

Aykut Hocanın

“We Worked Heartily and Devotedly”

Prof. Dr. Hocanın also delivered a speech in the meeting, thanking Prof. Dr. Tümer for his kind gesture. Noting that they took office to move EMU even further in a very difficult period, Prof. Dr. Hocanın stated that they worked heartily and devotedly and said that during the pandemic period, the team came to the university with special permissions and served selflessly while everyone waited at home with great anxiety, and that they did everything they could to ensure that all EMU employees and students continued their lives.

Prof. Dr. Hocanın also stated that following the pandemics, global problems came one after another, first the economic problems, then the Russia-Ukraine war and the earthquake disaster in the Republic of Turkey directly affected EMU in different dimensions. Prof. Dr. Hocanın noted that all the work they did regarding the financial situation was done to prevent these effects from having a negative impact on the university. Saying that they have been successful to a certain extent, EMU still has problems to be solved at certain points. Prof. Dr. Hocanın also stated that when they saw that they could not progress any further, they decided to leave their positions to pave the way for EMU.

Noting that they will always be there to provide support and help to EMU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Tümer, Prof. Dr. Hocanın emphasized that they will continue to work for EMU. Thanking his team who has been working for EMU during such a difficult period, Prof. Dr. Hocanın expressed that serving EMU is a source of pride for them. Following the speeches, EMU Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer presented flowers to Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and his team.