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EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty and WAQFS Organize “Turkish-Islamic Scientific Instruments” Seminar

EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty and WAQFS Organize “Turkish-Islamic Scientific Instruments” Seminar

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Arts and Sciences Faculty and Marvelous Pious Foundations (WAQFS) organized a seminar titled “Turkish-Islamic Scientific Instruments” on Friday, 7 January 2022 at 14:00 at the EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall. EMU Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktuğlu, Arts and Sciences Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Özarslan, Marvelous Pious Foundations General Director Prof. Dr. İbrahim F. Benter, Department Heads Prof. Dr. Nazım Mahmudov, Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Kızılduman and Deputy Head of Department Prof. Dr. Mustafa Gazi and, Physics and Mathematics Departments’ students attended the event.

The Findings of Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin were Shared the Findings

The seminar was organized along with numerous other events that were also organized within the scope of the “History of Islamic Science in 100 Objects Exhibition” which consists of relevant works conducted in the fields of  mathematics, physics, astronomy, sociology, engineering and medicine throughout the Turkish-Islamic history. The seminar was delivered by Otto Neugebauer Prize for the History of Mathematics owner Prof. Dr. Jan P. Hogendijk from Utrecht University, Holland. During the seminar, Prof. Dr. Hogendijk shared the findings of doyen scientist Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin who had passed away in 2018. Prof. Dr. Sezgin had redesigned the scientific instruments which were lost during the Turkish-Islamic history. In the seminar where scientific methods, ideas and inventions used centuries ago were presented, it was pointed out that some inventions found in the Islamic civilization period can still be used in modern science education today. After the seminar, Prof. Dr. Demirel and Prof. Dr. Özarslan presented a plaque to Prof. Dr. Hogendijk.

Workshops were organized

Following the seminar, an “Astrolabe Workshop” was organized at 15:00 for the Mathematics and Physics Departments’ academic staff members and students. The seminar on the astrolabe, the instrument used by the first astronomers to measure the height of stars and planets, was organized by Wilfred de Graaf, with the supports of Tom Reijngoudt and Prof. Dr. Jan P. Hogendijk. Another workshop titled “Abjad Number System Workshop” was held at 15:30. Organized by Tom Reijngoudt with the supports of Wilfred de Graaf and Prof. Dr. Jan P. Hogendijk, the workshop focused on the methods used in Abjad Number System which was used by ancient Turkish-Islamic scientists. Both the seminar and the workshops attracted the attention of the students. The “History of Islamic Science in 100 Objects Exhibition” will be open to visit between 09:00 – 17:00 until the 28th of February, 2022 at Nicosia Bedesten.