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EMU Communication Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department Qualifies for Full Membership of EUPRERA

EMU Communication Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department Qualifies for Full Membership of EUPRERA

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department was awarded full membership in the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA). EMU Public Relations and Advertising Department is a rooted department with more than two thousand graduates from 30 different countries since 1997.

EMU Public Relations and Advertising Department Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anıl Kemal Kaya stated that the aim of the faculty members is to train graduates who are aware of ethical responsibility, creative, follow the latest developments in technology, have managerial skills and can meet the changing needs of the sector in today's globalizing world by combining these skills with the theoretical knowledge. Expressing that they attach great importance to international connections in this context, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaya emphasized that their departments are entitled to full membership in the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaya stated that it is extremely important to be a member of such reputable institutions, and that they believe that cooperating with members from different countries of the organization will contribute to the collection, transmission and exchange of innovative public relations research. 

Senih Çavuşoğlu

EMU Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Senih Çavuşoğlu stated that they support the international cooperation of all departments as the Faculty of Communication and said; “Being accepted as a member of a prestigious institutions such as EUPRERA brings us together with the global media networks, confirms the quality of the education provided”.

Being one of the most respected organizations operating since 1959, EUPRERA aims to promote innovative knowledge and practices regarding public relations education and research in Europe. The organization aims to cooperate with associations, institutions, scientific journals and trainees from different countries operating in the field of public relations. While academic staff and researchers form the open public group of the association, it also aims to develop various research and models on the latest developments in basic and applied research and new trends in the field of education.