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EMU Cyprus Policy Center Organized a Seminar on Types of Violent Conflict and Solution Challenges

EMU Cyprus Policy Center Organized a Seminar on Types of Violent Conflict and Solution Challenges

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Cyprus Policy Center (CPC), in collaboration with the EMU Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations, held a seminar on "Types of Violent Conflicts and Solution Challenges: Insights from Previous Conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza."


The opening remarks for the seminar were delivered by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen, Head of the EMU Department of Political Science and International Relations, and the CPC. The keynote speaker was Graham Day, who served as an officer in the British and Canadian navies, the United Nations, and various international agencies involved in peacebuilding.


Day began his presentation by explaining the differences between "conquest warfare" and "intercommunal warfare." He stated that conquest warfare occurs when an imperial nation-state attacks another nation-state to acquire territory, citing Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an example. Day then highlighted that intercommuncal warfare arises when a non-state actor attacks a nation-state. He used the example of Hamas, a non-state actor, initiating the Gaza war by attacking Israel. Emphasizing that the real issue in all conflicts is what happens after the conflict ends, Day stressed the importance of nations ensuring their security before engaging in economic activities within the country.


At the end of the interactive seminar, Graham Day, under the moderation of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen, responded to questions from students and provided examples of how countries can secure their nations after war.