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EMU Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Wins Silver and Bronze Medals at an AEHT Competition

EMU Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Wins Silver and Bronze Medals at an AEHT Competition

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Tourism Faculty attended the 32nd European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (AEHT) Conference in Split, Croatia. EMU’s Tourism Faculty participated in different competitions coming second in the category of Culinary Art and third in the category of Hospitality Management.

Providing information about the gastronomy competitions, EMU Tourism Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç stated that more than 600 competitors in 20 teams participated in 10 different categories. Prof. Dr. Kılıç went on to indicate that Dervişe Adal and Xsenia Sumaneeva competed in the categories of Culinary Art and Hospitality Management respectively winning a bronze and silver medal. Highlighting that they are proud of their students’ success, Prof. Dr. Kılıç, stated that participating in international competitions is important for the country and university’s recognition. Prof. Dr. Kılıç also emphasized that Berk Akkaya’s group came fourth out of 15 groups in the Decathlon competition.

Indicating that competing in the international arena adds a lot of confidence and vision to their students Prof. Dr. Kılıç underlined the high quality of education provided by the EMU Tourism Faculty.

Indicating that they previously obtained bronze medals in 2016, 2017 and 2018, Prof. Dr. Kılıç stated that they raised the bar in 2019 by obtaining a silver medal. Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed that the EMU Tourism Faculty also attended AEHT’s 32nd general assembly along with numerous other tourism and hospitality management schools from Europe with whom collaborative work between universities was discussed

Highlighting that their accreditations and international memberships reinforce educational success Prof. Dr. Kılıç stated that they are proud to see EMU Tourism Faculty academic staff member Senior Instructor Kurtuluş Özbaşar as a jury member at international gastronomy competitions. Prof. Dr. Kılıç concluded by stating that the EMU Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts will be competing in World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WACS) competitions and that Özbaşar is an officially recognized WACS jury member.