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EMU Department of Physics Ranks as the Best in Cyprus in Physical Sciences Category of Nature Index 2023 Cyprus Ranking

EMU Department of Physics Ranks as the Best in Cyprus in Physical Sciences Category of Nature Index 2023 Cyprus Ranking

Adding one more achievement to its international success, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) ranked as the top university, both in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and island wide, in the 2023 region rankings by Nature Index, prestigious and independent international university ranking institution.


Being the only university from TRNC to appear on the list, EMU was followed by 3 other universities, an institution and a physics organization in the said ranking. EMU demonstrated the success of achieving the first place by a wide margin among these organizations.


Nature Index is an international organization that publishes monthly and annual rankings of articles in the fields of Physical Sciences, Medicine, Health, Chemistry, World and Environment Sciences that are published in the world’s most prestigious 82 academic journals. Total of 63 universities from Turkey appeared on the Nature Index 2023 Physical Sciences ranking list this year. The universities from Turkey appearing on the list are; Middle East Technical University, Boğaziçi University and Koç University, respectively. EMU is ranked as the fifth university among the universities in Turkey.


Nature Index 2023 Physical Sciences, Cyprus list is accessible at


“The Achievement is a Reflection of EMU’s Mission and Vision”

The entire set of 10 scientific articles published in prestigious academic journals in 2023 scanned by the Nature Index were authored solely by the EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Physics Faculty Members. EMU received total of 3.40 fractional points with the 10 articles published by the university. Making a statement on the topic, Department of Physics’ Chair Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı expressed that the achievement, significantly contributed by Department of Physics academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Övgün, Vice Chair of the EMU Department of Physics Prof. Dr. Seyedhabibollah Mazharimousavi and the Chair of EMU Department of Physics Prof. Dr. İzzet Sakallı, is a reflection of the hard work by EMU Department of Physics and, Faculty of Arts and Sciences as well as EMU’s mission and vision, in general.


“Success is not Coincidence”

Making a statement on the topic, EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Özarslan noted that EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty, one of the first three faculties established at EMU, has proven its quality with the research and work it conducts since its establishment in 1988. Stating that EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty and the departments operating under the roof of the faculty not only provide students quality education at world standards with their strong academic staff, but also produce prestigious academic publications that contribute to science, Prof. Dr. Özarslan emphasized that the faculty has been listed in top rankings of international and independent ranking institutions such as Nature Index and Times Higher Education since 2018. Prof. Dr. Özarslan also stated that as the Arts and Sciences Faculty, they lead EMU to success with the mission and vision of the faculty and, that the vision of high standards in quality leads one to success which is not a coincidence.


Noting that EMU Department of Physics achieved great success in the Nature Index 2023 Physical Sciences Ranking, Prof. Dr. Özarslan congratulated Department of Physics academic staff members who contributed to this success, underlining that EMU Department of Physics is the only department in the country offering English-medium Physics Undergraduate Program approved by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) since 2020. Prof. Dr. Özarslan also expressed that EMU Department of Physics graduates are always granted with prestigious national and international scholarships and received acceptance to postgraduate programs of reputable universities.