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EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Graduates Take Their Oaths

EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Graduates Take Their Oaths

Operated within the cooperation of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty and Marmara University Medicine Faculty, International Medicine Program 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester graduates took their oath and took their first step as medical practitioners. Total of 26 students coming from 8 different countries graduated from the EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty. The Oath-taking Ceremony took place at the outdoor lecture hall of EMU Pharmacy Faculty. EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel, ICU Board of Trustees Assistant Chair and former EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yücel Öztoprak, Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora, Marmara University Medicine Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Hakan Gündüz, EMU Health Sciences Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mehtap Malkoç, Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Müberra Koşar, faculty academic staff members, graduates and their families were present at the event.

Öykü Zaimoğulları

The ceremony started with the graduates’ entrance followed by a music recital. Top ranked student Dr. Öykü Zaimoğulları delivered a speech on behalf of the EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester graduates by expressing that their journey started 6 years ago with great excitement. Dr. Zaimoğulları stated that they left behind the tiring committee and internship exams and the shifts they had kept until the morning. Noting that they have a professional life ahead of them, Dr. Zaimoğulları thanked their friends, families and faculty members for their support in their education life.

Nahide Gökçora

“You are taking a Step into the Professional Life as Qualified Practitioners”

EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora thanked ICU Board of Trustees Assistant Chair and Former EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yücel Öztoprak for his contributions in establishing the EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty. Dean Prof. Dr. Gökçora continued her words with: “Dear young physicians, dear colleagues. As the Founding Dean of EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty, I am very happy to graduate you. You worked hard for 6 years. From now on, you are starting to work as qualified physicians who can raise the health level of the whole society. You have made us and your families very proud. I sincerely congratulate you”.

Hakan Gündüz

“We Share a Mutual Pride with EMU”

Marmara University Medicine Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Hakan Gündüz thanked Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yücel Öztoprak and said: “Today, we share a mutual pride with EMU. It is very valuable for us to share the joy of our precious students, who have completed their education within the scope of the International Joint Medicine Program conducted with EMU as the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, which has always been different with its pioneering and innovative vision in science, education and practice, taking their first steps into their professional lives today. Congratulations to our esteemed graduates”.

Hasan Demirel

“I wish You Success in Your Medical Service”

EMU Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel also took the stage and expressed his feelings; “Dear graduates; you have worked hard, deserved the success and now you are standing in front of us. Once again, I would like to congratulate you all. It has been better understood how important the medical profession is due to the recent pandemic. Your profession starts with the fight against the pandemic. Your success will carry us and humanity to better places. I congratulate you. I wish you success in your life and in your medical service”.

Erdal Özcenk

“We are Proud of You”

EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk also addressed the graduates with his words; “My dear colleagues, the profession of medicine is a sacred profession that requires a lot of dedication and constant empathy. You will witness that the happiness of restoring a person to health is worth all the hardships you go through. I sincerely believe that each of you is a very good doctor. You will serve humanity by practicing your profession in many parts of the world. We are proud of you. I wish you success in your professional live”.

Öykü Zaimoğulları

Following the speeches, top student of the faculty, Dr. Öykü Zaimoğulları placed her name tag on the graduation log.

Ömür Çınar Elçi

The oath-taking ceremony continued with a presentation titled “Being a Doctor in Post Pandemic World” by EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty academic staff member Prof. Dr. Ömür Çınar Elçi. Total of 11 graduates took their professional oaths with accompany of Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora and then tree planting to the garden of the EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty took place.