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EMU Elementary Education Department Highlights Children’s Right to Play

EMU Elementary Education Department Highlights Children’s Right to Play

Eastern Mediterranean University Education Faculty, Elementary Education Department organised a series of activities marking 20 November Children’s Rights Day.

EMU Elementary Education Department stated that the Convention of Children’s  Rights is one of the most widely-recognised agreements in history. In line with this, 20 November every year is observed as Universal Children’s Rights Day. On this special day, EMU Education Faculty, Elementary Education Department raised awareness regarding “Children’s Right to Play” through two different organisations. In this respect, Pre-School Teacher Education Department first year students organised game and arts activities at Nicosia SOS Children’s Village Association under the supervision of EMU Education Faculty academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Eda Kargı and Senior Instructor Aliye Ateş.

Additionally, 4th year students from the same department organised a series of fun activities for Famagusta Municipality Pre-school students under the supervision of EMU Education Faculty, Elementary Education Department Chair Prof. Dr. Elif Üstün  and academic staff member Prof. Dr. Işık Gürşimşek.

EMU Elementary Education Department stated that on this special day, educators and adults should ask themselves the important question of whether our possibilities are suitable for the healthy development of children, whether we provide children the opportunity to benefit from the nature sufficiently, or do we act as a barrier for them to reach their basic rights and needs such as playing and spending leisure time in nature.