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EMU Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı Becomes Jury Chair

EMU Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı Becomes Jury Chair

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Architecture Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı became the chair of the 4th Year Projects Jury in the "Interior Architecture Students Project Competition - im2020", which is the third of the Interior Architecture Department Students Project Competition, organized annually by the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB). The said competition in question was hosted by Başkent University, Faculty of Fine Arts Design and Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design.

Conducted Evaluations

The "im2020" Award Ceremony and Colloquium were held online on Friday, 8 January 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Following the opening speeches, projects that received equivalent honorable mentions and degrees in five different categories of the competition were announced. The moderator of the last session of the ceremony was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Shumen. EMU Architecture Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Uğur Ulaş Dağlı attended the competition colloquium with the jury chairs of the other four categories. Prof. Dr. Dağlı shared her views on the 4th Year Projects and the general competition at the colloquium and evaluated the online design studio education during the pandemic process.