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EMU Faculty of Architecture Designs 2019 Ahmet Vural Behaeddin Calendar

EMU Faculty of Architecture Designs 2019 Ahmet Vural Behaeddin Calendar

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Ahmet Vural Behaeddin Committee carried out a calendar project for 2019 in memory of the late Architect Behaeddin. The calendar is composed of the images of the building of the “Nicosia High School for Girls”, currently known as “Nicosia Turkish High School”, an award-winning work of Modernist Turkish Cypriot architect Ahmet Vural Behaeddin, which also featured in the April issue of 1965 Baumeister magazine. The Baumeister magazine was one of the most prestigious architectural magazines of the period and allocated the aforesaid issue to the buildings of education. Taking part in the publication of the 11 most successful projects selected from all over the world is a strong indicator of the success of the design of the Nicosia High School for Girls.

This calendar project is considered to be an important document in keeping the memory of Ahmet Vural Behaeddin, who left us his valuable architectural works that can be accepted as the direct proof of his level of civilization and carrying his legacy to future generations. The project was carried out by Faculty of Architecture Ahmet Vural Behaeddin Committee within the scope of a protocol signed between EMU Architecture Faculty and, on behalf of Ahmet Vural Behaeddin, his spouse Tülin Behaeddin.

Banu Tevfikler Çavuşoğlu

The launching event of the calendar took place at Nicosia High School for Girls (currently known as Nicosia Turkish High School) under the auspices of the TRNC Ministry of National Education and Culture, Culture Department. The said event started with EMU Architecture Faculty Ahmet V. Behaeddin Committee President and Architecture Faculty Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Tevfikler Çavuşoğlu’s presentation on Architect Behaeddin.

Tanju Besler

EMU Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Tanju Besler, EMU Architecture Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek, and Ahmet V. Behaeddin’s spouse Tülin Behaeddin delivered speeches regarding Ahmet V. Behaeddin’s works and his architectural personality as well as the the traces he left in the memory of the society and the important task he undertook in the development of the society.

Özgür Dinçyürek

Prof. Dr. Besler and Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek extended their gratitude and appreciation to Tülin Behaeddin for her contributions to all projects carried out in memory of Ahmet V. Behaeddin and TRNC Minister of National Education and Culture Cemal Özyiğit and Culture Department Director Şehbal Hamzaoğulları for their contributions in the organisation of the 2019 Calendar keeping the memory of Architect Ahmet V. Behaeddin.

Cemal Özyiğit, Tülin Behaeddin

In a speech of his own, TRNC Minister of National Education and Culture Cemal Özyiğit stated that Ahmet V. Behaeddin is one of the important values of the Turkish Cypriot Community and highlighted the importance of transferring his works and thoughts to future generations. Özyiğit also put forth that we should shape our future by providing our children with correct and beautiful examples. At the end of the speeches, plaques of appreciation were presented to Tülin Behaeddin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Tevfikler Çavuşoğlu on behalf of EMU Architecture Faculty Ahmet Vural Behaeddin Committee.