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EMU Faculty of Education, Elementary Education Department Students Held Creative Thinking Events

EMU Faculty of Education, Elementary Education Department Students Held Creative Thinking Events

A series of events on creative thinking were organized within the scope of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Elementary Education Department, Early Childhood Education master’s program course, OOEG 506 – Creativity and Aesthetic Development in Early Childhood, carried out by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eda Yazgın.

In the first session of the events, a talk event was held with Installation artist Serap Kanay, interactively discussing art with postgraduate students. Firstly sharing the milestones in her career journey, Serap Kanay emphasized the importance of accurate training as well as roles of effort and hard-work in realizing goals. Participated in various national and international organizations with her artworks, the artist also provided information about her ethnographic research within the framework of his origin research studies. At the end of the talk event, the participating students expressed that they were deeply impressed and inspired by the unwavering, resilient, and determined attitude, and relentless efforts of artist Serap Kanay throughout her professional education life in England, and her willingness to push boundaries and conditions to improve her skills. Thanking Serap Kanay after the meaningful and beneficial event, the students visited the gorup exhibition titled ‘States of Femininity’, which includes the artist’s works, and the exhibition titled ‘Portraits, Styles, and Stories’ in the EMU Art Collection at the Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Center.

During the technical trip organized by the course coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eda Yazgın, EMU Art Coordinator and Sculpture Artist Zehra Şonya guided the students. Receiving technical information from Şonya on how to analyze artworks, the students interpreted the artworks, getting information on the materials as well as design process of the artists. At the end of the technical trip, the students expressed that they gained an important experience in creating out-of-school learning environments with children and supporting the development of their creative thinking processes with creative, motivating, and skill-enhancing activities. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eda Yazgın emphasized the high importance given to creative thinking education, one of the top three skills of the 21st century in teacher training programs, and highlighted that they provide students with experiential opportunities in this regard. Expressing their gratitude to the artists who contributed and supported, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yazgın stated that they aim for students to be equipped to create active and enriched learning environments based on contemporary educational approaches in art and play for children in Elementary Education by preparing similar environments for their own students in the future.