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EMU Faculty of Health Sciences Releases a Statement on 8 September World Physiotherapy Day

EMU Faculty of Health Sciences Releases a Statement on 8 September World Physiotherapy Day

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Health Sciences issued a message on the occasion of September 8, World Physiotherapy Day. EMU Health Sciences Faculty, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Chair Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nur Tunalı’s statement reads as follows: 

World Physiotherapy Day is observed every year on 8 September. In 1996, the World Physiotherapy Confederation accepted September 8 as the World Physiotherapy Day. Physiotherapy profession is defined as the field of health responsible for developing, protecting and renewing the movement and functioning ability of individuals. Health is an integral part of manpower. Physiotherapists contribute with preventive, treatment / intervention and rehabilitation services when various conditions or environmental factors such as aging, injury, illness, discomfort at any stage of life threaten the movement and function of the individual. Physiotherapists help individuals maximize their physical, psychological, emotional and social well-being and quality of life.

Physiotherapy in the world and in the TRNC: It is a profession that makes field-specific evaluations and plans, implementing and following the results of the individual's physiotherapy and rehabilitation program in the light of these evaluations. They serve not only treatment but also public health with protective and preventive approaches. During the pandemic in 2020, physiotherapists actively provide rehabilitation and treatment services to patients with respiratory problems in hospitals. Our colleagues devotedly serve the society, risking their lives when necessary, just like other healthcare professionals. In addition, they plan and implement physical activity and exercise programs to raise the awareness of the society online in this process.

“Happy 8 September, World Physiotherapy Day to all our colleagues who give hope to lives and add years and meaning to life with their knowledge, effort, patience and determination. "