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EMU Graduate Ehineni Kehinde Oluwaseyi Continues to Achieve Higher in Staples Canada

EMU Graduate Ehineni Kehinde Oluwaseyi Continues to Achieve Higher in Staples Canada

Ehineni Kehinde Oluwaseyi, who graduated from the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Engineering Faculty, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Master's Program with honors in the Spring Semester of the 2013-2014 Academic Year, has become an Account Manager in Staples Canada, a company which boasts the largest office supplies supply chain in Canada. Staples Canada, founded in 1991, currently has more than 15 thousand employees and operates at 305 different locations.

“I Took Courses from the World's Best Researchers in EMU”

Speaking proudly about his student years at EMU, Oluwaseyi said, “Studying at EMU was definitely an interesting experience that contributed greatly to my career path. During this period, I had the opportunity to take courses from the best researchers in the field. The fact that most of my instructors are among the world's leading researchers increased my confidence in my academic work. My master's thesis is even cited in many academic articles around the world. EMU has created a relaxing and intriguing academic environment that creates a desire for excellence and learning for me. The university’s system was also adapted to motivate students with scholarship opportunities and awards.”

“A University that Always Supports Students”

Explaining that he had the opportunity to work as a research assistant at EMU, Oluwaseyi said, “I took part in the organisation of many events during this period. I had the opportunity to organize the first TEDx university event in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). EMU is a university that always supports students. With the support I got from the university, I organized this event under the title of 'TEDxEMUniversity'. Having students from many different countries at EMU also creates a multicultural reading environment. This enables the development of social interaction, experience and exchange of ideas. I had friends from many different countries.”

“EMU will be One of the Best Choices You Have Made in Your Life”

While talking about the positive effects of studying at EMU on his career and the advantages it provided him, Oluwaseyi said: “My educational experience at EMU contributed to my success in my career. Thanks to this, I had the opportunity to work in different fields and levels. First of all, I contributed to the Literacy Forum of International Energy Student Society in Canada. I worked in the telecom and information technology sectors. I worked as a Sales Engineer in the Nigeria Thermotechnology department of BOSCH, one of the largest companies in the world. Currently, I am working as an  Account Manager at Staples Canada firm in Canada.

I would also like to give some advice to my young friends studying at EMU. EMU creates one of the best environments for academic excellence and scholarship opportunities. You will soon find out that it is one of the best choices you have made in your life.”