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EMU Graduate Onur Önel Book Makes Best Sellers List in Short Time

EMU Graduate Onur Önel Book Makes Best Sellers List in Short Time

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering graduate has compiled his working life experiences in a book. Even though the sales of the 368 page book published by Nobel Scientific Works just started last week, it has succeeded in being among the best sellers in bookstores such as D&R.

The novel-like book explains the difficulties of working life, by holding a mirror and explaining workers’ thoughts and feelings to their employer. A more detailed explanation of the content is as follows: 

The book was initially been written as a result of an unhappy journey on the way to work and, came to life in virtue of a realistic approach to the reasons lying beneath that unhappiness. When the operational problems in private sector enterprises are analyzed, it will be seen that the problem stems from the lack of institutionalization and the employment of virtuous people in key positions of the enterprise.

In this case, when the problems are reached according to the stage where those problems become inexhaustible; the increasing inefficiency will not be stopped and the enterprise will move rapidly towards a dangerous point of return. This will be a breaking point for the business, whatever the business does after this stage, it will not be able to stop the relapse. This situation, which will turn into a vicious cycle and then vortex, will eventually swallow the functioning of the institution. While all this is happening, every element against the truth; undoubtedly be a supporter of this relapse. Therefore, most businesses close shutters before they can see the 2nd and 3rd generations.
This book does not include persistently tried and failed methods. It associates and illustrates issues with life experiences. The book has a unique place due to its nature that describes the events by mirroring them and gives messages that raise awareness. These messages also reflect the thoughts and feelings of employees which they want to say but do not or are not able to express. The ultimate aim all of the given messages and solution methods, without exception, is to include realistic, feasible and equitable results. At the end of the day, the winner is; "virtuous people" and "company owners who want to do business more accurately than yesterday" will be the reason for the existence of institutions.

This book, inspired by the real situations and experiences, will be a support for current employees, a bibliography for those who will just start their business life, and a way out to senior management. A detailed review can be made at