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EMU Health Sciences Faculty’s Statements on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

EMU Health Sciences Faculty’s Statements on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Health Sciences Faculty, Assistant Chair of Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Assist. Prof. Dr. Ender Angın released a statement on the occasion of “3rd of December, International Day of Persons with Disability”. Stating that the “3rd of December, International Day of Persons with Disability” has been considered as an international day since 1992 by the United Nations, Assist. Prof. Dr. Angın also touched on the following:

“People with disability are individuals whose movements, senses or functions are limited due to some conditions such as injuries or congenital physical/mental illnesses. The 3rd of December is an awareness day for important topics such as, emphasizing protective approaches towards disabilities, providing opportunities to improve the physical, spiritual and mental health of people with disabilities, increasing the rights of disabled people regarding education, having a job and social participation, and improving legal rights. People with disabilities struggle to participate in social environments because of the decrease in various functions in their body. The primary objective should be to re-introduce such people into society and ensure that they are independent individuals. Therefore, developing governmental policies, increasing the present measures, improving health services and placing importance on public education should be brought into question. Changing the public perspective and ensuring the social participation of disabled people and also, making necessary architectural arrangements to reduce problems on transportation and access will boost the productivity of such individuals. Physiologists have a vital role on the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

EMU Health Science Faculty operates on rehabilitation services (especially on Pediatric Rehabilitation and Neurologic Rehabilitation Units) for people with disabilities within the body of Center for Healthy Life. Children with special needs that experience congenital and acquired functional disorders receive physiotherapy and rehabilitation in order to improve the level of functioning. It is aimed to decrease the present insufficiencies, to increase physical ability, to support the children psychosocially and also, to maximize the level of daily life activities with the applied treatment approaches. The problems of disabled individuals are identified by the expert physiotherapists in the field and current treatment approaches are applied within the scope of physiotherapy program. A multidisciplinary notion of work is adopted with either an individual or family-oriented approach. Therefore, the importance of parental education, educational seminars and awareness studies should not be ruled out.  One should not forget that disability is not a flaw. Love overcomes every obstacle.”