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EMU Is Aware! Charity Event at EMU for ‘Help Those with Cancer Association’

EMU Is Aware! Charity Event at EMU for ‘Help Those with Cancer Association’

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) held a charity organisation to support the TRNC Help Those with Cancer Association as part of  1 – 7 April Cancer Week. Organized by EMU Personnel Affairs Directorate, the event took place on Monday the 3rd of April 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in front of the CL Building on campus.

At the event with the slogan “EMU Is Aware”, EMU personnel sold homemade food and beverages. Money was raised for cancer patients from the sales for which faculties, directorates and units set up stands. Funds raised from the sales of the 37 stands will be donated to the TRNC Help Those with Cancer Association.

Present at the charity bazaar were EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and Vice Rectors, members of the EMU Board of Trustees, EMU students, Famagusta District Governor Dürdane Acı, Help Those with Cancer Association members and President Raziye Kocaismail, Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Primary School teachers, students and Famagusta’s local community.

President of the Help Those with Cancer Association Raziye Kocaismail stated that EMU provided very important support for cancer patients with the charity event that sent the motivational message “we are with you”. Stating “EMU is aware and our patients and public are also aware of those who are aware”, Kocaismail thanked everyone at EMU for the organization led by Rector Prof. Dr. Osam. 

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Osam also provided a statement at the event highlighting the importance of social responsibility projects. Prof. Dr. Osam stated that EMU’s mission is to become an institution of higher education demonstrating awareness towards community issues as well as an institution that provides quality higher education. Indicating that cancer awareness is of the utmost importance Prof. Dr. Osam highlighted the importance of the charity event stating that similar events will be organized in the future. Prof. Dr. Osam concluded by thanking everyone at EMU who supported the event.