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EMU Law Faculty Attended ELFA Meeting

EMU Law Faculty Attended ELFA Meeting

Eastern Mediterranean University was represented by EMU Law Faculty dean Prof. Dr. Aynur Yongalık and vice dean Assist. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Gündüzler at the European Law Faculties Association’s (ELFA) general assembly which took place at Strasbourg in March 2014.

During the parallel sessions which were delivered prior to the general assembly, presentations and debates on the financing of the law faculties, the place of foreign languages in law education, life-long education of lawyers, and increasing the quality in law education took place. Many law faculties from England, the USA, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Italy were represented in the general assembly. With its fundamental mission of preparing students for their international careers, Eastern Mediterranean University is benefitting from the opportunity of establishing strong ties and collaborations with different law faculties located within Europe. EMU Law Faculty also has plans for organising academic events, settling collaboration agreements with different law faculties and, last but not least, hosting the general assembly of the European Law Faculties Association in the TRNC.