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EMU SAYMER Provides Pregnancy Training For Future Parents

EMU SAYMER Provides Pregnancy Training For Future Parents

The first education seminar of 2023 was organized by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Health Sciences Faculty, Center for the Application and Research for Healthy Life (SAYMER) at EMU Health Sciences Faculty lecture hall. The seminar titled “Pregnancy Training” delivered by specialist academics in the field provided important information on the pregnancy period.

Moderated by EMU Health Sciences Faculty, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berkiye Kırmızıgil and, the Director of SAYMER and Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ender Angın, the seminar various presentations on the topic: “Pregnancy and Birth” by Cyprus Central Hospital Obstetrician and Gynecologist Op. Dr. İçten Balık Kıvançlı, “Breast Feeding and Infant Care” by EMU Nursing Department academic staff member Specialist Nurse Gülsen Müsteyde Altan Denizer, “Importance of Nutrition in Pregnancy” by EMU Nutrition and Dietetics Department academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seray Kabaran and, “Postural Changes and Importance of Exercise during Pregnancy” by EMU Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Ünal Değer.

Future parents showed interest and attended the event. A statement released by SAYMER noted that the SAYMER education seminars are to continue in March with a different theme.

EMU Saymer Provides Pregnancy Training For Future Parents