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EMU Settles Academic Collaboration with Arizona State University

EMU Settles Academic Collaboration with Arizona State University

Eastern Mediterranean University established an academic collaboration agreement with Arizona State University of the USA. In this respect, Arizona State University, Global Technology and Development Program Director Prof. Dr. Gary Grossman and his team paid a visit to Eastern Mediterranean University.

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam had a meeting with the visiting officials. During the visit possible collaboration topics between the two institutions were discussed.   Prof. Dr. Osam also provided detailed information about EMU with a specific focus on student and faculty profile, campus and infrastructural qualities, collaboration possibilities, faculties, departments and international and national accreditations. Officials from Arizona State University expressed their fascination with Eastern Mediterranean University.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen, Vice Rector for Promotion Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca, Distance Education Institute Director Prof. Dr. Muhammet Yaşar Özden, Institutional Development and International Academic Relations Coordinator Cahit Ezel and Public  Relations and Press Office Director Murat Aktuğralı were also present at the said meeting.

The visiting officials who attended separate meetings with Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen and Vice Rector for Promotion Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca conveyed their pleasure in establishing collaborations with Eastern Mediterranean University. The academic collaboration was signed by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen on behalf of Eastern Mediterranean University and Prof. Dr. Gary Grossman on behalf of Arizona State University.