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EMU Shows Full Support to Breast Cancer Awareness Activities

EMU Shows Full Support to Breast Cancer Awareness Activities

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) shows full support to nationwide breast cancer awareness activities. On Thursday, the 26th of October 2017 EMU supported the “Pink Day” activity organized by the Famagusta Municipality, Kale Lions and Help Those with Cancer Association. 2 buses full of students and members of academic staff from the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine travelled to the car park opposite the Victory Monument where colorful scenes took place. Those who attended the breast cancer awareness walk wore pink t-shirts and ribbons whilst carrying pink balloons and a range of signs.

Faiz Sucupğlu

 “Early Diagnosis Saves Lives”

The event was attended by TRNC Minister of Health Faiz Sucuoğlu, Ministry of Health Undersecretary Kemal Deniz Dana, Members of Parliament, Famagusta Mayor İsmail Arter, EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora, Help Those with Cancer Association President Raziye Kocaismail and Kale Lions President Fisun Esatoğlu as well as numerous association representatives, students and members of academic staff. Speaking at the event, TRNC Minister of Health Faiz Sucuoğlu stated that non-governmental organizations are prerequisites of community living indicating that they were at the forefront of raising awareness regarding breast cancer and early diagnosis via activities such as talks and meetings. Stating that there is no reason to be afraid of cancer, Minister Sucuoğlu stressed the importance of early diagnosis stating that it saves lives.

Nahide Gökçora

International Recognition in Cancer Registry

EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora indicated that they will fulfill important achievements within four years as a result of their joint project with the Minisrty of Health. “Our Faculty has set up a Cancer Registry at the Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital with the contributions of the Ministry of Health and non-governmental organizations. We also formed the National Cancer Advisory Board. 10 days ago, we shared the North Cyprus Cancer Statistics at the annual meeting of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) in Utrecht, Holland. Therefore, the TRNC Cancer Registry gained international recognition for the first time. We also received an invitation to be an official member of IACR. I hope to feel the support of everyone in passing the Cancer Sickness Notification Law that will ensure the permanency of such action. I also hope to see days without cancer. ”

 “Have Regular Check-Ups”

Famagusta Mayor İsmail Arter highlighted that the municipality will always continue to support such activities. Arter touched upon the importance of early diagnosis stating that cancer need not be feared as a result of advancements in medicine. Expressing that if left too late the disease can have fatal consequences Arter highlighted the importance of regular check-ups.

Raziye Kocaismail

Help Those with Cancer Association President Raziye Kocaismail noted that breast cancer constitutes of one third of all cancer cases in the TRNC . Kocaismail expressed her satisfaction regarding raising awareness with her team over the last month in many regions staring from Kyrenia.

Fisun Esatoğlu

Kale Lions President Fisun Esatoğlu thanked all involved in the organization of the awareness walk, wishing everyone healthy, cancer free days.

Mehtap Malkoç

“We aim to raise awareness”

Speaking on the walk, EMU Health Sciences Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mehtap Malkoç stated: “October is known as ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’.  Therefore our Faculty organized this walk to increase awareness about breast cancer. With the walk that was planned as a Department of Nursing activity we will have done everything in our power to create awareness and increase social sensitivity.