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EMU Signs a Collaboration Protocol with Famagusta Municipality Regarding the Job Opportunities for EMU Students

EMU Signs a Collaboration Protocol with Famagusta Municipality Regarding the Job Opportunities for EMU Students

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and Famagusta Municipality signed a cooperation protocol regarding part-time job opportunities for EMU students in the municipality's general service areas. The signing ceremony for the said protocol took place in EMU Rector, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç’s office on Thursday, 21 December 2023, at 11:00 a.m. Present at the ceremony were Dr. Erdal Özcenk, the President of EMU Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, the Rector of EMU, Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta Municipality, and Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

"We Will Protect the Social Rights of Our Students"

Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu, delivering the opening speech at the ceremony, mentioned that there are over 16,000 students at EMU, among whom there are those who, due to their financial situations, need to work part-time. Prof. Dr. Zorlu highlighted the issues faced by students working in various places, such as their inability to defend their rights due to lack of registration or documents, leading to undesirable situations. Following discussions on these matters, Prof. Dr. Zorlu stated their aim, to be realised in collaboration with Famagusta Municipality, as to formalize the right of EMU students to work part-time for 24 hours a week and provide them with working opportunities along with their social rights. Prof. Dr. Zorlu also noted the specific areas of collaboration between the municipality and EMU. Prof. Dr. Zorlu also mentioned their goal to expand this collaboration to different sectors, mentioning their readiness to evaluate requests from institutions. Prof. Dr. Zorlu further explained that the application system prepared jointly by EMU and Famagusta Municipality has been integrated into the EMU student portal. Students can use their portals to select the jobs they wish to apply for, and the municipality will review these applications, accordingly.

"We're Creating Suitable Conditions to Ensure Social Justice"

Speaking at the ceremony, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç emphasized that EMU is an institution within the city of Famagusta and highlighted the importance of strengthening the relationship with Famagusta Municipality. Prof. Dr. Kılıç mentioned the mutual agreement between the two institutions regarding the necessity of collaborating closely to contribute to the city. He stated that they have taken steps in this direction. Stressing that the foundation of these efforts is to create suitable conditions in terms of ensuring social justice and supporting EMU students financially, Prof. Dr. Kılıç highlighted that the protocol's scope could expand to other institutions. Calling upon institutions and companies in need and urging them to reach out to EMU Rectorate if they have any requests. Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed gratitude to those involved in making the protocol possible and wished success to all parties regarding the realisation of the protocol.

“The Beginning of an Important Step for the City of Famagusta”

Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta Municipality, stated that EMU is the most established university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, highlighting its significant role in the prioritized higher education sector in the country. Dr. Uluçay noted that EMU's international success and quality increase the value of the higher education sector in the country, emphasizing the importance of EMU for Famagusta and the nation. He mentioned that within the framework of the main collaboration agreement signed between EMU and Famagusta Municipality about six months ago, various agreements have been signed, considering this collaboration protocol as the beginning of an important step for the city of Famagusta. Dr. Uluçay expressed full confidence in the success of the newly appointed Rector, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, and urged the state to provide more support to EMU to facilitate the faster progress of the new administration toward success.

"Our Collaboration with Famagusta Municipality Will Further Expand"

Dr. Erdal Özcenk, the President of EMU Board of Trustees , mentioned his friendship of over 30 years with Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta Municipality, stating EMU's consistent support for the municipality on every platform. Dr. Özcenk highlighted that the upcoming protocol would contribute to both the education of EMU students and their improved communication with the local community. Stressing the significance of the protocol, Dr. Özcenk emphasized the importance of the collaboration with Famagusta Municipality in fostering a strong culture of solidarity and cooperation between institutions. Dr. Özcenk reiterated the commitment to strengthen relations between the municipality and the university, continuing to work for Famagusta, a university city. Dr. Özcenk thanked everyone involved in contributing to the signing of the protocol and wished success for the protocol.

Konuşmaların ardından DAÜ Rektörü Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç ile Famagusta Belediyesi Başkanı Dr. Süleyman Uluçay protokole imza koydu.

Following the speeches, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, the Rector of EMU, and Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta Municipality, signed the protocol.