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EMU Students Send the Message “We Are Stronger Hand in Hand”

EMU Students Send the Message “We Are Stronger Hand in Hand”

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) has added another social responsibility project to those organized under the umbrella of the Community Involvement Centre. As part of the course delivered by EMU Communication Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department Vice Chair Asst. Prof. Umut Ayman students Çağla Katırcı, Toyosi Olobayo, Fuad Ogunbayo and Simon Benjamin carried out a social responsibility project for 3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The social responsibility project took place outside of the EMU Communication Faculty cafeteria on the 4th and 5th of December 2017 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.. The event was organized with the support of EMU Education Faculty, Special Education Department student representative Rasim Erdoğan.  Products designed by Famagusta İrfan Nadir Under-18s Rehabilitation Center students were sold at the event with the slogan “We are stronger hand in hand” and the proceeds were donated to the Center. The İrfan Nadir Under-18s Rehabilitation Center students attended the event and enjoyed the feeling of success after seeing their products being sold first hand. Participation at the event that lasted two days was considerably high.

Çağla Katırcı, one of the students involved in the meaningful project stated “We are experiencing the delight of making the students whose gazes hide the most innocent forms of love and kindness happy. Yes they are different. Yes they do not have any difficulty in expressing their love. I am sure if you spend a short amount of time with any of them you will understand what I mean.”