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EMU Visual Arts And Visual Communication Design Department Student Jalil Haghanipour Made It To The Top 20 Of The Giant Festival Among Ten Thousand Entries

EMU Visual Arts And Visual Communication Design Department Student Jalil Haghanipour Made It To The Top 20 Of The Giant Festival Among Ten Thousand Entries

Produced in scope of "Workshop I" master’s course conducted by EMU Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Senih Çavuşoğlu, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Communication, Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Department Master's Program student Jalil Haghanipour’s work promoting shopping on Amazon (E-shopping) in the category of "Commercial & Advertising Poster" achieved a great success by entering the top 20 among 9,680 entries at the 4th Shenzhen International Poster Festival organized under the theme of "Design and Communication" this year

As part of this success, Jalil Haghanipour's work designed for the 4th Shenzhen International Poster Festival has been deemed worthy to be exhibited at the Shenzhen Guan Shanyue Art Museum between 23 March and 5 April 2021 (both dates inclusive).

Best 255 Works Selected Out Of 9,680 Entries

Among the designs evaluated by the international jury, a total of 85 posters in the Cultural Poster category, 27 in the Social and Public Campaign category, 20 posters in the Commercial & Advertising Poster category, including Jalil Haghanipour's work, 26 in the Student Poster category, 25 in the Special Theme: City Symbol category, 26 posters in the 100 Best The Good HANZI (Chinese characters) Poster category and 46 animated posters qualified to be exhibited in the Motion Poster category.