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EMU Welcomes 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring Semester Students

EMU Welcomes 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring Semester Students

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) International Office operating under the Vice Rector’s Office for International Affairs and Promotion organized a “Welcoming Party” in Lala Mustafa Paşa Sports Complex and welcomed more than 1,000 newly registering students for the 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring Semester. EMU Vice Rector for International Affairs and Promotion Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova delivered a speech during the Welcoming Party, thanked all new students for choosing EMU and expressed his pleasure of having them in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).  Emphasizing that EMU is listed amongst the world’s prestigious universities, Prof. Dr. Tanova encouraged the students to protect the university’s reputation during their stay in EMU. Prof. Dr. Tanova advised students to work hard and also to socialise with each other.                                                                  

As well as the traditional Cypriot food that was served during the event, students enjoyed watching folkdance and Salsa performances and the performances of the Reggae group The Healers and DJ Milad.