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EMU Welcomes International Journalists

EMU Welcomes International Journalists

Within the framework of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ ‘15th of November Republic Day’ celebrations, a group of international journalists visited the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) on Wednesday, the 16th of November 2016. During the said visit EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Vice Rector for International Affairs and Promotion Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova and Political Science and International Relations Department Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erol Kaymak held a meeting with the guest journalists at the EMU Senate Room. The journalists were provided with detailed information about both EMU and the Cyprus Conflict.

Prof. Dr. Osam welcomed all the journalists and highlighted the importance of EMU as the oldest and most prominent university of TRNC emphasizing that the establishment of EMU is older than the proclamation of TRNC. Prof. Dr. Osam expressed his pleasure in hosting international journalists every year and wished the journalists to a quality time at EMU.

Prof. Dr. Tanova delivered a presentation and provided detailed information about accreditation projects, student and academic staff profiles and university facilities. Following his presentation, Prof. Dr. Tanova answered questions from the visiting group. After Prof. Dr. Tanova, Assoc. Dr. Kaymak delivered a presentation about the Cyprus Conflict and answered questions from the group.

Journalists from over twenty countries including Italy, Jordan, Nigeria, Gambia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Finland, Albania, Ethiopia, Serbia, Germany, Malaysia, Esthonia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Egypt, Qatar, Tunisia, Hungary, Pakistan and Turkey visited EMU campus and expressed their fascination with the university. The said event concluded with a lunch organization at EMU Tower Restaurant.