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EMU’S 25th Orientation Days Commencing

EMU’S 25th Orientation Days Commencing

The 25th Orientation Days, organized for students who have just joined the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), will start on Monday, 12 September, 2022. In this respect,  a press conference has been organised at EMU L'Apprenti Restaurant on Friday, 9 September, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. EMU’s 25th Orientation Days, for which North Cyprus Turkcell is the communication sponsor, will continue until October 11, 2022. At the said Press Conference, EMU Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu and North Cyprus Turkcell Sales and Marketing Deputy General Manager Ali Gürler provided information.

Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu: “The activities aim to facilitate our students’ adaptation to structure of our university and explore the opportunities offered to them.”

Providing information about the Orientation Days at the Press Conference, EMU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu started her speech by welcoming the members of the press, North Cyprus Turkcell Sales and Marketing Deputy General Manager Mr. Ali Gürler and his team. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu stated that Orientation Days are organized every year to support new students who join EMU to adapt to the University and the city of Famagusta in the best way possible. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu also noted that the activities organized within this scope aim to help students get to know the structure of the university and the opportunities offered to them. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu shared the following information about the activities:

Our Orientation Days will be held between 12 September – 11 October 2022. In this context, English Preparatory School, Proficiency Exam will be held on September 26 - 28, 2022. For our students who will take this exam, buses will be departing from EMU-2 Dormitory and our students will be transported to the exam venue, accordingly. Security in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center seminars will be held on 30 September, 2022 at 10:30 am at Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall. Students are unable to attend these seminars on the aforesaid date will be able to attend the said seminars in the same hall on 10 October, 2022, at the same time. After the classes start on October 3, 2022, a campus tour will be held on 6 October, 2022, starting in front of the Social and Cultural Activities Directorate building. A Famagusta Tour will take place on 7 October, 2022, followed by Cyprus Night organisation at EMU Atatürk Square at 19:00. The 2022-2023 Academic Year Opening Ceremony will be held at Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall on 11 October, 2022 at 10:00. In the evening of the same day, at 19:00, our Welcome Night will take place at EMU Atatürk Square. All parents are invited to our Welcome Night. This event will feature faculty and school promotions, student clubs stands, concerts and stage performances.”

Stating that in addition to the said program, informative seminars by faculties will be held for students, Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu thanked all staff, especially the staff of the EMU Social and Cultural Activities Directorate, who have contributed greatly to the organization of the Orientation Days, and the communication sponsor North Cyprus Turkcell family, and wished the new students a successful academic year full of good memories.

Gürler: “EMU is recognised all over the world with its graduates.”

North Cyprus Turkcell Deputy General Manager for Sales and Marketing Ali Gürler started his speech by stating that they are happy to be cooperating with Eastern Mediterranean University, the most established University of Northern Cyprus, and said that the number of students who prefer North Cyprus for higher education has reached approximately 110 thousand.. Gürler made the following statements in his speech; “It is of course very important that the quality, infrastructure and education develop along with the number of students. It is not possible to think of higher education separately from communication and technology. As North Cyprus Turkcell, we bring the world's most advanced technologies to our island both for our universities and our students studying here. GNC, the largest youth brand in Northern Cyprus, not only offers students speed and quality, but also has become an important element of their social life. Our biggest goal is to meet the demands and requests of young people and make their lives easier with our young brand. Our universities come to the fore both by producing science and providing input to the economy. EMU has made a name for itself all over the world with its graduates. I would like to say that there are many EMU graduates in our North Cyprus Turkcell family, both in managerial and expert positions. Our cooperation, relations and support will continue with EMU, with which we have always been in close relations. We are renewing our communication sponsorship for the 25th Orientation Days with EMU this year. I wish our cooperation with EMU to be beneficial for everyone.”