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Events Held at EMU within the Scope of 21-25 December National Struggle and Martyrs Week

Events Held at EMU within the Scope of 21-25 December National Struggle and Martyrs Week

Eastern Mediterranean University, Atatürk Research and Application Center (EMU-ATAUM) and Atatürk Ideology Club (EMU-AIC) coordinately held a panel titled “Mujahids Tell” on the occasion of 21-25 December – National Struggle and Martyrs Week.

Turgay Bülent Göktürk

Held on Thursday, 21 December 2023 at 02:30 p.m. at EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall, the panel was moderated by Chair of EMU-ATAUM Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Bülent Göktürk. The panel hosted Mujahid Teacher Aysel Soykara and Mujahid Ahmet Aşır, Chair of Muratağa, Atlılar, Sandallar Martyrs Association as guest speakers.

Delivering a speech following a Minute of Silence and National Anthem, Chair of EMU ATAUM Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Bülent Göktürk welcomed everyone attending the event and expressed the importance of 21-25 December – National Struggle and Martyrs Week for Turkish Cypriot community. Stating the period in question is the beginning of the “Bloody Christmas”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Göktürk underlined that it is also the date when the struggle of existence began for the Turkish Cypriot community. Assist. Prof. Dr. Göktürk continued his words by saying: “Sleep in comfort, as we will not forget you. We bow before your holy memory with gratitude and respect. May your souls be blessed”. Then, Soykara and Aşır shared their memories of the period with the audience whom was moved to tears. At the end of the panel, Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Bülent Göktürk and Süheyla Göktürk presented EMU souvenirs to Aysel Soykara and Ahmet Aşır.

A Visit to TRNC Martyrs Families and Veterans Association

Within the scope of 21-25 December – National Struggle and Martyrs Week, on Friday, 22 December 2023 at 02:00 p.m., EMU ATAUM Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Bülent Göktürk, academic staff member Süheyla Göktürk and a group of students paid a visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Martyrs Families and Veterans Association located in Nicosia. Aiming to highlight the fact that they always support the families of the martyrs, the event is also organized with the intention of helping students learn more about the National Struggle of the Turkish Cypriot community. Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgay Bülent Göktürk and Süheyla Göktürk presented an Atatürk maquette to Gürsel Benan, the Chair of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Martyrs Families and Veterans Association.