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If You Wish Peace, Care for Justice

If You Wish Peace, Care for Justice

4th International Conference in Communication and Media Studies organised by Eastern Mediterranean University Communication Faculty, Center for Research and Communication for Peace commences at  Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Center on 19 November 2014.  The conference which will host a large group of academicians from TRNC, Turkey and other countries will end on Friday, 21 November.

The first day of the conference which will commence with Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen’s, Communication Faculty Dean Prof. Dr.Süleyman İrvan’s and Chair of the Center for Research and Communication for Peace Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuğrul İlter’s opening addresses will feature 5 parallel sessions in Turkish and English, entitled “ Media, Conflict and Communication”, “Media, Conflict and Peace”, “Peacemaking and Dialogue”, “Peace, Media and Justice” ve “Film, Television and Representation”. During the three-day conference, artist Serap Kanay’s ‘Monument: Her/story’ Installation will be exhibited.

Chair of the Center for Research and Communication for Peace Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuğrul İlter stated that the main theme of the conference has been specified as “Pursuit of Peace and Justice” and our global economy and governance today are marked by growing local and global inequalties where the growth of affluence simultanously creates and depends on environmental destruction, human misery and poverty. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlter put forth that the world is experiencing serious global problems and we need an international, planetary vision as well as connections and collaboration.

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Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr. Oliver Richmond

Keynote speaker of the international conference entitled “If You Wish Peace, Care for Justice” is Prof. Dr. Oliver Richmond, one of the leading names in the field of peace research and international relations. Prof. Dr. Richmond will be delivering a speech entitled “Peace in the 21st Century: Peace, Progress and Intervention”. Following the sessions taking place on the first day of the event, Prof. Richmond will be the moderator of a focus group meeting entitled “Civil Society and Peacemaking in North Cyprus”.

Who is Prof. Dr. Oliver Richmond?

Oliver Richmond is well known for his work on peace in international relations. He is a Research Professor in IR, Peace and Conflict Studies in the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute at the University of Manchester. He is also International Professor, College of International Studies, Kyung Hee University, Korea, as well as a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Peace Studies, University of Tromso. He is a fellow of the British Academy and is on numerous editorial and other boards, including that of the Review of International Studies. His recent publications include Peace Formation and Post-Conflict Political Order, (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming 2015), Failed Statebuilding and Peace Formation (Yale University Press, forthcoming September 2014), A Very Short Introduction to Peace (Oxford University Press, forthcoming October 2014), A Post Liberal Peace (Routledge, 2011), Liberal Peace Transitions, (with Jason Franks, Edinburgh University Press, 2009), Peace in IR (Routledge, 2008), and The Transformation of Peace (Palgrave, 2005/7). His work has been funded by grants from the Carnegie Trust, the British Academy, Leverhulme, and the EU Framework Programme. He is editor of the Palgrave book series, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies (with some 25 volumes published since 2005, and now one of Palgrave’s flagship series), and co-editor of the Journal, Peacebuilding.