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Osman Keten Retrospective Exhibition Launched in Nicosia with the Participation of TTNC President Ersin Tatar

Osman Keten Retrospective Exhibition Launched in Nicosia with the Participation of TTNC President Ersin Tatar

The “Undetermined and Unformed Essence” exhibition of Osman Keten’s 44 year art journey exhibited in Famagusta within the scope of the “EMU Art Days” organized by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Public Relations and Media Directorate with the collaborations of the EMU Social and Cultural Activities Directorate and EMU Art Coordinator Zehra Şonya, relaunched in Nicosia upon high demand. The opening ceremony took place on Wednesday, 4 January 2023 at 18:00 at İsmet V. Güney Exhibition Hall. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar, Private Secretary of the Presidency Çağın Zort, Office of Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment, Director of Youth Department Hasan Özsaygın, EMU Board of Trustees (VYK) member Kadir Yel and EMU Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu.

Zehra Şonya

Delivering a speech during the event, exhibition curator and EMU Art Coordinator Zehra Şonya noted that the bilingual exhibition catalogue is written Derya Ulubatlı and Mine Keten. Stating that they are happy to work with an artist like Osman Keten, Şonya thanked those who contributed to the realization of the exhibition. Stating that she has struggled for many years to institutionalize the arts and to have the arts owned by institutions, Şonya emphasized that EMU has made great strides in organizing arts-related activities as an institution.

Osman Keten also delivered a speech during the event and thanked everyone for their participation and mentioned that exhibition includes art works that are special to him. Keten said; “Art becomes an excuse when it comes to it. As long as we can embrace and understand each other a little better”.    

Deniz İşçioğlu

Following Keten’s speech, EMU Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu took the stage and said that EMU as a state university always supports art and artists. Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu stated that as part of the university's mission to serve the community, the Art Collection was created at EMU in order to bring together the artists and their works with the children and the public, who are the future of the country. Expressing her gratitude to those who contributed to the realization of the exhibition, Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu wished that the number of artistic activities would increase in the future.

Ersin Tatar

Expressing his contentedness on launching the first exhibition of the 2023, President Ersin Tatar emphasized that he is also trying to protect the art world with his own works. Thanking everyone who contributed to the realization process of the exhibition, Tatar said that art works hold great significance and underlined the importance of presenting the works to the world in a universal language. During his speech, President Tatar also emphasized the importance of supporting such events for the public, children and the values of the Turkish Cypriot society.  The exhibition will be open to art lovers until Friday, 13 January 2023 during working hours.