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Populism, Authoritarianism and Dictatorship: An Investigation on the Style of the Turkish Presidential System

Populism, Authoritarianism and Dictatorship: An Investigation on the Style of the Turkish Presidential System

Business & Economics BEA5

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Cyprus Policy Center is collaborating with the Department of Political Science and International Affairs to organize a seminar titled “Populism, Authoritarianism and Dictatorship: An Investigation on the Style of the Turkish Presidential System”. The speaker of the seminar which will commence at 14:30 on Wednesday, the 24th of April 2019 at EMU Business and Economics Faculty BEA5 Hall is going to be General Public Law Professor Hüseyin Levent Köker.

Köker has published a lot of articles in Turkish as well as English including Modernization, Kemalism and Democracy (1990), Two Different Policies (2008) and Democracy, Criticism and Turkey (2008). In 2007, Köker was part of a team led by Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun who prepared a new constitution draft for Turkey. He is currently working on the topics of establishing a constitution, democratic political theory, post-nation state constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism.

During the seminar Köker will tackle Turkey switching to the Presidential System as a result of the April 2017 referendum, the “right-wing populism” of the new system and approaches that are important in supporting the development of democracy within the scope of “competitive authoritarianism” or “sectarian management”.

Information about the seminar and its outcomes can be obtained from the Cyprus Policy Center and Department of Political Science and International Affairs official websites and