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Presentations Held within the Scope of EMU 9th International Career Days

Presentations Held within the Scope of EMU 9th International Career Days

Eastern Mediterranean University Health Sciences Faculty gathered its students with healthcare professionals on online platforms within the scope of the EMU Alumni Communication and Career Research Directorate’s (EMU-MIKA) 9th annual International Career Days. The events were held in four sessions.

Following the opening speeches of Health Sciences Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mehtap Malkoç and, First and Emergency Aid Associate Program Coordinator and academic staff member Gülcan Dürüst Sakallı, Paramedic Tarık Balcı delivered a presentation titled “Post-Graduation Career Journey – Analysis of Republic of Turkey”. A series of presentations were respectively delivered by; Paramedic Şahin Açıkgöz – “Post-Graduation Career Journey – Analysis of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, İbrahim Tayyaroğlu – “Post-Graduation Career Journey – Analysis of Germany” and Paramedic Rüçhan Tuğçen Kargül – “Post-Graduation Career Journey – Analysis of England”.

During his presentation, Tarık Balcı touched on topics regarding Paramedics in the Republic of Turkey such as their working conditions and workspaces, conditions for appointment, working conditions and existing workplaces in private sector and, steps to take in terms of improving these circumstances. Şahin Açıkgöz provided examples from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and talked about working opportunities and conditions, employment, examinations and interviews for Paramedics who work in 112 Centers operating under the Ministry of Health and, private sector working conditions of their colleagues.

İbrahim Tayyaroğlu mentioned similar matters including work opportunities for Paramedics in Germany, working conditions, application process, examinations, acceptance process and foreign language evaluation, criteria sought while diploma evaluations and possible experiences to be faced following receiving acceptance from Germany.

Lastly, Rüçhan Tuğçen Karagül provided information on working conditions, authority and responsibilities of Paramedics in England, criteria sought while diploma evaluations, training to be received following acceptance process and, employment processes in England. The event that received high attendance of the students ended with a session on question and answers.