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EMU Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Organizes an Event Titled ‘Empathy Day’

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Health Sciences Faculty, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation students organized an event titled ‘Empathy Day’ on the occasion of the International Disability Week. The event was held at EMU Health Sciences Faculty with the participation of faculty members and students.


Various empathy stations were set where students experienced the things people who are visually impaired, hearing impaired or who have physical disabilities experience in their lives. Within the scope of the event, problems that people with disabilities might encounter in their daily activities were discussed. In this regard, participants of the event were asked to numerous tasks for a duration of 5 minutes. The tasks included going up and down the stairs, wearing a shirt, buttoning, tying the shoelaces and, watching silent videos. Following their tasks, the students were asked to takes notes on their experiences and feelings.


Thanking all the contributing students on behalf of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Vice Chair of the Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Ünal Değer conveyed that the event being held was an important example for social responsibility events. Moreover, Assist. Prof. Dr. Değer said; “It is important for healthcare workers, who play significant roles in the rehabilitation process of individuals with disabilities, to empathize while participating in this process. Additionally, every healthcare worker should be a champion in facilitating the daily activities of these individuals, offering solutions to the problems they face, and promoting societal awareness”.