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EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç Visits “Kral Tepesi” Excavation Site in Kaleburnu

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç visited “Kral Tepesi Excavation Site and Archeologic Surface Research Project” located at Kral Tepesi also known as Vasili in the village of Kaleburnu / Galinopomi on Karpaz Peninsula of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprys (TRNC).

The international excavation work initiated in the region under the responsibility of EMU Eastern Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Research Center (DAKMAR) has uncovered a settlement and various architectural styles from both the 4000 BCE Ceramic Neolithic Period and the 1200s BCE, indicating two distinct phases of habitation. The ongoing research suggests that Kral Tepesi/Vasili may have been a key settlement in Cyprus during the Ceramic Neolithic Period and the Late Bronze Age. The aim of this project is to document the rich cultural heritage of the Karpaz Peninsula, known as Cyprus’s gateway to external cultures, and to ensure the preservation and future transmission of these findings through a sustainable site management plan. In this context, archaeological surveys in the region have begun to record significant cultural assets spanning from the pre-Neolithic period to the late Ottoman Empire.

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kiliç Visits “Kral Tepesi” Excavation Site in Kaleburnu

Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç visited the archeologic studies on site that are being carried out by the academics from EMU, under the supervision of the Department of Ancient Arts and Museums. During the visit, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Kızılduman, the Chairperson of EMU Eastern Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Research Center provided Rector Prof. Dr. Kılıç with information regarding the project. Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed their pride and satisfaction in supporting the excavations that reveal archaeological, historical, and cultural treasures while contributing to global cultural heritage, affirming that EMU’s support will be ongoing. Prof. Dr. Kılıç also underscored the significance of safeguarding the culture and history of these lands, stating that as the country’s foremost and only state university established by law, they are fully conscious of this responsibility. Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed his gratitude to TR Nicosia Embassy Development and Economic Cooperation Office, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, EMU academics, the team of Ancient Arts and Museums Department and those contributing the project. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kızılduman expressed gratitude to Rector Prof. Dr. Kılıç for his visit and conveyed thanks to the TRNC Nicosia Embassy Development and Economic Cooperation Office for their financial contributions to the project, as well as to Deputy Prime Minister Fikri Ataoğlu for his continued support.