General Information
Our department offers five undergraduate programs, namely Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Communication and Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering. The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Undergraduate Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.
The students enrolled in our undergraduate program have the opportunity to gain expertise in fields like Information Engineering, Communications Engineering, Power/Control Engineering, Integrated Circuits, Computer Software and Hardware Engineering arranged in accordance with the expectancies and demands of our present day.

Our Department offers education in modern laboratories equipped with latest educational technologies and classrooms containing multi projection systems and strong Internet connections. Our department is ready to become a leader in Turkey and neighboring countries with its well-qualified academic staff consisting of 8 professors, 5 associate professors and 2 assistant professors who graduated from the most prominent postgraduate programs at world-famous institutions in different countries.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of our undergraduate program confront no difficulty in finding jobs in their own countries as they are equipped with the theoretical knowledge that the world of the industry and the academia requires, and are also familiar with the most recent technologies. What makes them indispensable lies in the fact that they are at the same time computer literate, are able to keep track of all the developments around the world with their excellent knowledge of English and can carry out scientific research. Well-qualified graduates prefer to continue with their graduate studies either in our department or in highly reputable universities that offer similar graduate programs.
Tel: +90 392 630 1301
Fax: +90 392 365 1648
E-mail: infoee@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://ee.emu.edu.tr