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10th International Congress on Cyprus Studies Held at EMU

10th International Congress on Cyprus Studies Held at EMU

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Center for Cyprus Studies (CSS) held the 10th International Congress on Cyprus Studies with the broad perspective of issues focusing on Cyprus between the 24th and 25th of April 2019 at the Rauf Raif Denktaş Culture and Congress Center. The event which commenced with an opening ceremony at 10:00 on Wednesday, the 24th of April 2019 featured a total of 46 papers being presented.

The opening ceremony of the congress was attended by Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Parliamentary Speaker Teberrüken Uluçay, Republican Turkish Party MP, European Union (EU) Compliance Committee President and Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Member Armağan Candan as well as İnönü Mayor Ali Öncü.

In her opening speech that took place after a moment of silence and the national anthem, EMU Center for Cyprus Studies President and Vice Rector for Administrative and Technical Affairs Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratlı stated that 150 islands are located in the Mediterranean before noting that Cyprus is the third largest of these islands. Prof. Dr. Doratlı then underlined that Cyprus is a strategical island which has been home to many different civilizations. Prof. Dr. Doratlı went on to emphasize that EMU-CCS was founded in 1995 and that it has been encouraging and carrying out research and publications on all topics relating to Cyprus, since its foundation. Prof. Dr. Doratlı concluded by stating that a total of 46 research papers that were selected out of 60 will be presented at the congress.

EMU is Well-Respected in the TRNC and the World

In a speech of his own, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam stated that EMU-CSS continues to take firm steps in light of EMU’s mission to carry out research and make publications concerning regional and local topics.  Underlining that EMU is a well-respected university in the TRNC and the world, Prof. Dr. Osam emphasized that this year EMU will be celebrating its 40th year.

Stating that the university promotes the TRNC and its culture in places all over the world, Prof. Dr. Osam underlined the importance of EMU featuring in 633rd place out of 25 thousand world universities. Highlighting that only 23 universities from Turkey, which is home to over 200 universities, could feature on the list Prof. Dr. Osam stated that EMU occupied 6th place amongst Turkish Universities featured on the list such as the METU and ITU. Also noting that EMU was ranked 111th amongst world universities under 50 years old, Prof. Dr. Osam relayed that TRNC state representatives need to make the necessary contributions for the university to get to an even better place.

EMU is the Apple of the Academic Community’s Eye

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the congress, TRNC Parliamentary Speaker Teberrüken Uluçay emphasized that the Center for Cyprus Studies’ congress will contribute to both EMU and the TRNC. Indicating that the TRNC is 36 years old and EMU is 40 years old, Uluçay noted that EMU is an institution that provides world-class education and is the apple of the academic community’s eye. Uluçay concluded by underlining that EMU fully deserves to occupy the position it is occupying on the World rankings.

Highlighting that EMU is an institution which represents the country beyond its borders, Uluçay stated that it also contributes to the financial development of the TRNC. Emphasizing that EMU got to where it is today after 40 years of effort and devotion Uluçay noted that the work of the Center for Cyprus Studies sheds light for management, students and academicians.

Following the opening speeches, a presentation titled “Turkish Cypriots and the European Union” was delivered by guest speaker Republican Turkish Party MP, European Union (EU) Compliance Committee President and Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Member Armağan Candan.

This was followed by the presentation titled “Orthopedic Problems Seen in Cyprus” which was delivered by Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hasan Havıtçıoğlu.

The first session of the conference commenced at 14:00, after the presentations of the main speakers. A total of 14 presentations took place during the first day of the congress in two concurrent sessions. Prof. Dr. Osam and Prof. Dr. Doratlı presented Candan a certificate of appreciation and a plaque whilst Prof. Dr. Havıtçıoğlu received his from EMU Communication Faculty, Department of Cinema and Television Chair Prof. Dr. Bahire Özad.

The Presentations Continued on the 25th of April 2019

Presentations continued with concurrent sessions on the 25th of April 2019, the second day of the congress. A total of 32 presentations took place in the first four sessions of the congress. The event came to an end with a closing panel during the final session of the congress.