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16 Days of Activism by EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center

16 Days of Activism by EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center

Organized by EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center (EMU PDRAM), a series of activities and events aiming to raise awareness regarding the violence against women and to stress the importance of fighting against violence took place between 25 November and 10 December.

The series of activities took place within the ‘16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women’ period commenced on 25 November with EMU Psychology Department students distributing white ribbon badges both within the campus and at the main entrance of the university. On the same day, EMU-PDRAM chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Biran Mertan attended a TV program on fighting against violence against women. The series of activities continued with a movie display entitled ‘Magdalene Sisters’  and a workshop held at EMU-PDRAM on  6 December  2013.  The ’16 Days of Activism’ activities went on with talks held at various locations within the campus and were completed with the ‘International Human Rights Day’ activities which took place on 10 December 2013. At the end of the ’16 Days of Activism’ period, EMU-PDRAM stressed the importance of  fighting against the violence against women not only within the period of the “16 Days of Activisim’ but in an ongoing fashion.