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Cultural Tours Take Place within the Scope of 22nd EMU Orientation Days

Cultural Tours Take Place within the Scope of 22nd EMU Orientation Days

Within the framework of the Eastern Mediterranean University’s 22nd Orientation and Welcoming Days activities, the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) organized cultural tours for newly registered students and their families with the aim of easing their adaptation process to the university and environment.

New students were offered various tours within the TRNC, including a Famagusta tour on the 20th of September 2019, a Nicosia and Kyrenia tour on the 21st of September 2019 and a Karpaz tour on the 22nd of September 2019. Assistants also took part in the tours and were available to answer any questions the students may ask. 

Approximately 3000 Participants

Around 750 people took part in the Famagusta tour which included visits to places that reflect Cypriot history and culture such as the Othello Castle, the Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque, the Namık Kemal Dungeon and the Walled-city. The Nicosia and Kyrenia tour included the participation of approximately 1150 new students and their families who travelled to destinations such as the Selimiye Mosque, the Great Inn, the Bandabulya Market Place, the Yiğitler Burcu and Ledra Palas in Nicosia as well as the Kyrenia Castle, the harbour and Bellapais Monastery in Kyrenia. The Karpaz tour included a visit to the Apostolos Andreas Monastery and Golden Beach. This tour was attended by approximately 1150 people.